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Density-based cryo-ET particle picker.

Fork of cet_pick_size by the Bartesaghi Lab using more recent Python and some convenience features.

How it works

Run as sizepicker input_files_*.mrc output_folder.
Full help via sizepicker --help.

  1. The tomogram will be low-pass filtered to half the particle radius, controlled by --radius. The pixel size is automatically determined from the mrc header, or given via --angpix. The filtered tomogram is written to the output folder.
  2. A contamination mask is created for each tomogram:
    • The tomogram is binned to speed up processing (set by --contamination-binning).
    • If --gaussian is passed, a low-pass filtered version of the tomogram is used to flatten the background (controlled by --sigma_cont).
    • Everything that is more dense than n*SD below mean (set by --stdtimes_cont) is considered contamination.
    • This is smoothed, small patches are removed (set by --minsize_cont), holes are removed and the mask is dilated (set by --dilate_cont).
    • The contamination mask is also written to the output folder.
  3. Local minima outside the contamination mask are picked, in a local neighborhood of --radiustimes * particle radius. If --inhibit is passed, a slightly more refined algorithm is used, usually giving more picks. Only coordinates within the --detection_z voxels around the center are considered.
  4. Subvolumes are extracted from the lowpass-filtered tomogram and z-projected. Only picks, where the SD within the particle is --stdtimes_pick * SD above the mean particle density SD are retained. Additionally, only particles with a higher foreground SD than background SD are kept, unless --remove_edge is passed.
  5. XYZ coordinates of the retained picks are written to the output folder.

Design changes vs. reference implementation:

  • added ability to loop over several tomograms
  • using mrcfile to parse tomograms, removing requirement for Python 3.6.
  • using click for CLI
  • removed --binning parameter, instead read pixel size out of header
  • --sigma_cont is now given in A rather than px
  • choice of a few of the default values changed


Install via: pip install "git+"

Requires newstack from the IMOD package to be on $PATH (it is only used for lowpass-filtering, this requirement will be removed in future versions).


The paper below describes the original implementation:

journal = {Journal of Structural Biology: X},  
volume = {10},  
pages = {100104},  
year = {2024},  
issn = {2590-1524},  
doi = {},  
url = {},  
author = {Weisheng Jin and Ye Zhou and Alberto Bartesaghi}


Pick blobs in cryo-ET data.







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