- Kayl is a Blooded Bayonet for Firewall Throat Cutting. DNS THROATCUTTER
- Basically a Firewall Execution, Bypasser, Attacks, and More.
How to Use Kayl
usage: ./kayl -[u|l|b|g] VALUE|PATH|PATH|PATH [-p|--pl] PAYLOAD,..|PATH [--args]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
mandatory arguments:
arguments that have to be passed for the program to run
-u URL, --url URL Pass a single URL to detect the protection
-l PATH, --list PATH, -f PATH, --file PATH
Pass a file containing URL's (one per line) to detect
the protection
Pass a Burp Suite request file to perform WAF
Pass a JSON file from the Googler CMD line tool (IE
googler -n 100 --json >> googler.json)
request arguments:
arguments that will control your requests
--pa USER-AGENT Provide your own personal agent to use it for the HTTP
--ra Use a random user-agent for the HTTP requests
(*default=kayl/2.0 (Language=2.7.10;
Add your own custom headers to the request. To use
multiple separate headers by comma. Your headers need
to be exact(IE: Set-Cookie=a345ddsswe,X-Forwarded-
For: (*default=None)
--proxy PROXY Provide a proxy to run behind in the format
type://address:port (IE socks5://
--tor Use Tor as the proxy to run behind, must have Tor
installed (*default=False)
--check-tor Check your Tor connection (default=False)
-p PAYLOADS, --payloads PAYLOADS
Provide your own payloads separated by a comma IE AND
1=1,AND 2=2
Provide a file containing a list of payloads 1 per
--force-ssl Force the assignment of HTTPS instead of HTTP while
processing (*default=HTTP unless otherwise specified
by URL)
--throttle THROTTLE-TIME (seconds)
Provide a sleep time per request (*default=0)
--timeout TIMEOUT Control the timeout time of the requests (*default=15)
-P, --post Send a POST request (*default=GET)
Send this data with the POST request (*default=random)
-t threaded, --threads threaded
Send requests in parallel (specify number of threads
Change the port that Tor runs on (*default=9050)
-T, --test Test the connection to the website before starting
encoding options:
arguments that control the encoding of payloads
Encode a provided payload using provided tamper
script(s) you are able to payy multiple tamper script
load paths to this argument and the payload will be
tampered as requested
Encode a file containing payloads (one per line) by
passing the path and load path, files can only encoded
using a single tamper script load path
output options:
arguments that control how kayl handles output
-F, --format Format the output into a dict and display it
-J, --json Send the output to a JSON file
-Y, --yaml Send the output to a YAML file
-C, --csv Send the output to a CSV file
--fingerprint Save all fingerprints for further investigation
--tamper-int INT Control the amount of tampers that are displayed
--traffic FILENAME store all HTTP traffic headers into a file of your
--force-file Force the creation of a file even if there is no
protection identified
-o DIR, --output DIR Save a copy of the file to an arbitrary directory
database arguments:
arguments that pertain to kayls database
-c, --url-cache Check against URL's that have already been cached into
the database before running them saves some time on
scanning multiple (*default=False)
-uC, --view-url-cache
Display all the URL cache inside of the database, this
includes the netlock, tamper scripts, webserver, and
identified protections
-pC, --payload-cache View all payloads that have been cached inside of the
-vC, --view-cache View all the cache in the database, everything from
URLs to payloads
--export FILE-TYPE Export the already encoded payloads to a specified
file type and save them under the home directory
misc arguments:
arguments that don't fit in any other category
--verbose Run in verbose mode (more output)
--hide Hide the banner during the run
--update Update kayl to the newest development version
--save FILENAME Save the encoded payloads into a file
--skip Skip checking for bypasses and just identify the
--verify-num INT Change the request amount to verify if there really is
not a WAF present(*default=5)
-W, --determine-webserver
Attempt to determine what web server is running on the
backend (IE Apache, Nginx, etc.. *default=False)
--wafs Output a list of possible firewalls that can be
detected by kayl
--tampers Output a list of tamper script load paths with their
-M, --mine Pass this flag to mine XMR for you and the kayl
development team