HHA504 / Cloud Computing / Assignment 4c / Cloud DB Management
This assignment aims to gain practical experience into managing a cloud-based MySQL database with a focus on implementing connection pooling and performing database migrations.
- A code folder contain code for creating the database tables in both gcp and azure and for creating a Flask app to dsiplay the tables.
- A screenshots folder containing screenshots for the entity relationship diagram and the tables displayed on Flask.
- README.md file with an overview of the repo.
In GCP, I created a MySQL instance with the following customizations:
- Database version: MySQL 8.0
- Cloud SQL edition: Enterprise
- Preset: Sandbox
- Machine Configuration: Shared core; 1 vCPU, 0.614 GB
- In Conections>Authorized Networks, added an allow all network:
Using the Azure MySQL service, I created a flexible MySQL server with the following customizations:
- Burstable compute tier with Standard_B1s (1 vCore, 1GiB memory, 400 max iops) compute size
: 20connect_timeout
: 3
- In the Networking section, added a new Firewall rule: -
I created a new database the MySQL instances:
- In the google shell terminal, signed into MySQL with:
mysql -u <username> -h <host IP address/servername> -p
. - Created a database called 'susan':
create database `susan`;
- Ran
show databases;
to confirm the database was created and then signed out of MySQL. - In order to create a new tables, I did the following to create a connection to MySQL:
- Created a .env file to contain my database credentials that contains the following:
DB_HOST = <host IP address / server name>
DB_DATABASE = <database name>
DB_USERNAME = <username>
DB_PASSWORD = <password>
DB_PORT = 3306
DB_CHARSET = utf8mb4
- Created a
file to hide the contents of my.env
. - In both my .py files, I had to include the following code in order to connect to MySQL instances:
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
## Database credentials
DB_HOST = os.getenv("DB_HOST")
DB_PORT = int(os.getenv("DB_PORT", 3306))
DB_CHARSET = os.getenv("DB_CHARSET", "utf8mb4")
# Connection string and creating the engine
connect_args={'ssl':{'fake_flag_to_enable_tls': True}}
connection_string = (f'mysql+pymysql://{DB_USERNAME}:{DB_PASSWORD}@{DB_HOST}:{DB_PORT}/{DB_DATABASE}'
engine = create_engine(
- For both the azure and gcp MySQL instances, I created the same database name and the same tables in a .py file. The first is a
table that includes data on doctor IDs, their names, the department they work in, and their phone number. The second table is apatients
table and contains patient IDs, their names, date of birth, and their primary doctor ID, which references the doctor ID in the doctors table. I populated data into the tables using another .py using sample data generated using Faker. - In the doctors table, there is a column for phone number. In order to populate correct data into that column, I first had to create a function into order to put the sample data in correct format using the following code:
def phone_number():
# Generate random numbers for each part of the phone number
p1 = str(random.randint(1, 999)).zfill(3)
p2 = str(random.randint(0, 999)).zfill(3)
p3 = str(random.randint(0, 9999)).zfill(4)
format = f"{p1}-{p2}-{p3}"
return format
- In the patients table the
is a foreign key that references thedoctor_id
in the doctors table. In order fo the column to populate with data from the doctors tables, I had to use the following code:primary_doctor_id=session.query(Doctor).order_by(func.rand()).first().doctor_id
A Flask app was created to connect to the MySQL instance wo display the database tables. A python file was created to contain the flask app code. A templates folder with an html file was created to contain code to display the tables. They can be foound in the code/flask folder. No errors were encountered in this step.
To set up Alembic for database migrations, I did the following:
- To check if alembic was installed/enabled in my google shell environment, I ran
in the terminal. - Ran
alembic init migrations
in the terminal. An alembic.ini file and a migrations folder appeared in the workspace. - In the alembic.ini file:
- Located line 63: sqlalchmey.url is where we will edit to connect to the database
- Changed line 63 to:
sqlalchemy.url = mysql+mysqlconnector://username:password@host/database_name
and included my database credentials.
- Included alembic.ini in my .gitignore file to hide my database connection data.
- In the env.py file located in the migrations folder:
- uncommented lines 19 & 20 and commented out line 21
- In line 19, changed to:
from <file name> import Base
. Changed<file name>
to the name of the file where I created the tables. - In line 20, changed to:
target_metadata = Base.metadata
- In line 19, changed to:
- uncommented lines 19 & 20 and commented out line 21
To create a migration:
- Ran
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "create tables"
in the terminal. - Ran
alembic upgrade head
to run the migrations. - Ran
alembic upgrade head --sql > migration.sql
to save it.