To see how to build browser-read JavaScript with CaffeineScript and Webpack, follow these steps:
git clone
cd caffeine-script-webpack-demo
npm install
npx webpack
# dist/hello.js is generated! yay!
And you've now generated a client-side-friendly hello.js
file. Note, CaffeineScript generates ES6 code, so it won't work with older browsers without first running hello.js through a converter like Babel.js.
I've also included hello.uglified.js.gz
to show just how small you can get things ~ 2k.
Now that you have webpack working, you might get tired running it everytime you make and want to test a change.
Try running this:
npx webpack-dev-server
- After that loads, click this link: http://localhost:8080/hello
- You'll see a white page, but...
- Open up your dev console and you'll see: "Hello world!"
- Now for the fun part, edit hello.caf. Add a few "!!!" to the end of the string and save it.
- After a moment the page should automatically reload and you should see your new string appear in the console!
Couldn't be easier. Try:
caf hello.caf
If you aren't starting your app with "caf", you'll need a .js
file to start things. Further, before you 'require' your first caf file, you'll need to add require('caffeine-script/register')
to your .js
code. But that's about it, then you can use CaffeineScript everywhere.
// register the caffeine-script compiler with Node.js
// loads and runs hello.caf - yay!
// Note: you don't need to specify the '.caf' extension
// unless there is another file named 'hello.js'
They key magic is in your webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
// Add the .caf extension to the extensions webpack looks for...
resolve: { extensions: [".caf", ".js"] },
// Add the caffeine-script webpack-loader so webpack knows how to load caf files...
module: { rules: [{ test: /\.caf$/, loader: "caffeine-mc/webpack-loader" }]},
// configured to compile our ./hello file.
// Note, this looks for the FIRST MATCH from the extensions list above:
// Example: hello.caf matches before hello.js
entry: { hello: "./hello" },
// standard webpack boilerplate:
// make the output file name the same as the 'entry' name (but with .js)
output: { filename: "[name].js" },
// change mode to 'production' to generate minimized code
mode: 'development'