Source code for a 3D side-scrolling shooter called Lead N Brimstone.
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A game I helped develop with all the fine folks at Waden Kane Game Studios. I've only included the source code here, with the permission of Waden Kane Game Studios, for educational purposes.
This code has largely sat idle since development stopped on the game in April 2017. I'm coming back to it now in order to tidying it up and document some interesting techniques we did. My hope is that others can sift through the source and either learn from or take useful bits of code they find.
Right click the UE4 project file (LnB.ueproject) and select "generate Visual Studio project files". Wait a moment, then open the generated .sln file.
To launch the editor, simply double click the .ueproject file and after it finishes building, the ue4 editor will launch.
Currently the code is sitting there unattached to anything. In the next few days I'll be trying to stich together some example BPs and other things to demonstrate how the code plugs into the editor.