A game completed for the Ludum Dare 39 competition theme "Running out of Power"
This repository was originally used by team during the competition. I have since removed all assets that didn't belong to me in order to protect my teammates amazing work from possible theft.
Ludum Dare page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/39/the-dying-of-the-light
Download the final release: http://streetofeyes.com/files/DyingOfTheLight-Build_Fixed.zip
View a play-through of the release: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W37CbVgPvhA
Because the source was written entirely in blueprints, in order to view it you will have to recompile the project and launch a UE4 editor.
First double-click the UE4 project file in the project folder (LD39\LD39.ueproject).
NOTE: Launching the game from the project file will cause it to crash.
A Dialog box will appear. Select the engine version of UE4 that you currently have installed (Currently works on UE4 version 4.18).
Wait a moment for the project files to generate, then a "Missing LD39 Modules" dialog box will appear. Select yes.
After a few moments the project will compile and launch the editor.
Unfortunately due to the missing assets you won't be able to compile a release of the game. The code provided is purely for the reader's education.
Most of the code was quickly hacked together over a short period for the competition and I have not touched it since.
At the moment I have no intentions of using this code, but if you find something useful feel free to use it in your own projects.