Releases: campfireunion/VRKeys
0.9.0 Beta
Updated to support Unity 2019!
0.8.2 Beta
Improved two-handed interactions.
0.8.1 Beta
Removed NewtonVR from the project and created separate example scenes for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
0.8.0 Beta
Added ability to adjust the position, rotation, and scale of the keyboard using the grip buttons on the controllers. Note: To upgrade to this release, open an empty scene, delete the VRKeys folder, then re-import the VRKeys.unitypackage.
0.7.2 Beta
Minor fixes.
0.7.1 Beta
Minor fix for haptics on Vive.
0.7.0 Beta
Re-added haptics since NewtonVR dependency was removed. Added Cancel button to close the keyboard without submitting, and made Clear button further away to make accidental hits less likely.
0.6.0 Beta
Removed dependency on NewtonVR so it can be used more easily with the SDKs directly or other interaction libraries such as VRTK.
0.5.0 Beta
Initial beta release of the VRKeys keyboard for Unity and NewtonVR. Supports Oculus Touch and HTC Vive inputs, customizable keyboard layouts, input validation and more.