This application will allow a user to log in and set up a profile which would include registering their phone number and zipcode. Based on profile preferences the user will then get weather wisdom words of the day sent as a text at the time of their choosing. The weather information will generate a weather pattern to establish a baseline and then issue suggestions as to prepare for the day's weather. It is intended to be used as an out-the-door prep for the day's weather.
This is a multi-user application and as such it is designed to generate these out-the-door text messages for all users of the system on the time of each user's choosing. This app will use a cron-like function to schedule delivery of the text messages and will use Twilio to send the message.
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Twilio (API used for sending SMS texting)
- dark-sky (API used for supplying current and historical weather data)
- node-schedule (API used to schedule background tasks at specified times - like crontab)
- node-geocoder (Google API being used to convert user input of zipcode to longitude/latitude required by dark-sky weather API)
- handlebars
- Sequelize
- passport authentication
to run with overrides: NODE_ENV=development DB_PASSWORD=mypassword node server.js
branch with some integration examples to view on github (NOTE: this branch won't be merged to master): cbo_prototype
- Since we are running background based timer tasks, got bit by heroku timezone. Had to do this: heroku config:add TZ="America/Chicago"