A common bash library that adds loging, regex and other usefull commands to bash
curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -Ls "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LamaAni/zbash-commons/master/install?ts_$(date +%s)=$RANDOM" | $(which sudo || echo "") bash
At the head of your script add,
source zbash_commons
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "zbash_commons not found. Please see: https://github.com/LamaAni/zbash-commons"
At the head of your script
type zbash_commons &>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "[DOWNLOAD] Downloading zbash_commons from latest release.."
ZBASH_COMMONS_GET_SCRIPT="$(curl -Ls "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LamaAni/zbash-commons/master/get?ts_$(date +%s)=$RANDOM")"
source zbash_commons
name | Description | Default value |
LOG_DISPLAY_DATE_TIME | the date time format to display | %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z |
LOG_DISPLAY_EXTRA | Extra information to display in the (before the level) | empty |
LOG_DISPLAY_PREFIX_PAD | The size of the padding for log level | 5 |
LOG_TO_OUTPUT | The output stream for the log (e.g. 1, 2, /dev/null) | 1 |
NO_COLORS | Do not display colors | false |
Name | Description | Usage |
join_by | Join array arguments | join_by [sep] [values..] |
unique_array_values | Return the unique array values | unique_array_values [values...] |
sort_array_values | Sort array values | sort_array_values [values...] |
paint | Paint input with color, and add color end. | paint [color] [text] |
colorize | Color a text using a regular expression | colorize [text] [regex] [color] [default color=\e[0m] |
assert | Assert an code, if > 0, then log:error, returns the code. | assert [code or $?] [message...] -> code |
warn | Assert an code, if > 0, then log:warn the message, returns the code. | assert [code or $?] [message...] -> code |
log:debug | Log a message to level: DEBUG | log:debug [message...] |
log:trace | Log a message to level: TRACE | log:trace [message...] |
log:info | Log a message to level: INFO | log:info [message...] |
log:warn | Log a message to level: WARN | log:warn [message...] |
log:error | Log a message to level: ERROR | log:error [message...] |
log:critical | Log a message to level: ERROR | log:critical [message...] |
log | Log a message to level: INFO | log:info [message...] |
log:sep | Output a seperator for nicer logging. (Dose not have) | log:sep [message...] |
is_interactive_shell | Returns 1 if its an interactive shell | is_interactive_shell |
is_command | Echo true if a command is defined. To be used in if | is_command command |
check_access | Checks access to a file or folder. | check_access [file or folder] |
get_cur_branch | Returns the current git branch head. | get_cur_branch |
get_cur_repo_name | Returns the current git repo name. | get_cur_repo_name [label=origin] |
get_github_latest_release | Returns the github latest release url. | get_github_latest_release [repo] |
get_github_latest_release_downloads_url | Returns the github latest release downloads url. | get_github_latest_release_downloads_url [repo] |
get_github_latest_release_version | Returns the github latest release version | get_github_latest_release_version [repo] |
log:help | Create colorized help | log:help [help text ...] |
read_from_pipe | Read from pipe if exists. | read_from_pipe |
get_input | Gets input from the user | get_input [question] [default] |
get_menu_value | Return a menu value from a list of options. | get_input [question] [values...] |
get_yes_no | Asks a yes no question. Returns 1 if yes. | get_yes_no [question] |
validate_arg | Validates a value is not empty (with trim) | validate_arg [value] |
is_chromeos | True if chromeos | is_chromeos |
is_wsl | True if wsl | is_wsl |
get_os_release | Exports the os release into envs: OS_NAME, OS_VERSION, OS_VERSION_CODENAME. Returns the os_name | get_os_release |
replace_value_in_text | Does a simple text replace (all values i.e. /g). | regexp_replace [value] [replace_with] [texts..] |
regexp_replace | Does a regex replacve using bash native commands. flags can be [g,m,i] | regexp_replace /[regex]/[flags] [replace_with] [texts..] |
regexp_match | Does a regex match using bash native commands. flags can be [g,m,i] | regexp_match /[regex]/[flags] [vals ...] |
replace_with_env | Replaces values inside a text with matching env valus (similar to python format), e.g. '{{ENV}}' -> 'Env_val' | replace_with_env [text] |
to_lowercase | Makes a text lowercase | to_lowercase [text] |
trim | Trim a text | trim [text] |
trim_empty_lines | Trim only the empty lines of a text. | trim_empty_lines [text] |
create_random_string | Create a random string value. (ubuntu) | create_random_string [count] |
multi_print | Duplicate a text n times. | multi_print [text] [count] |
indent | Indent a multiline text by n chars forward. | indent [text] [count] [symbol=' '] |
split | Split a string by an seperator (multuichar) | split [sep] [text...] |
get_folder_md5 | Calculates the md5 hash of fild/folder contents. (Dose not include file changed times) | get_folder_md5 [src] |
Copyright ©
Zav Shotan
and other contributors.
It is free software, released under the MIT licence, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE.