Sprint 8: Extending web 'core'
Wishlist of options / extension for extending the CCCS web 'core'.
CCCS Django framework
Advantanges over common wiki systems:
- Make posts 'draft' or 'published
Wikis are meant to be open to everyone. For 'internal' wikis, there is only the ability to collaborate behind a private wiki. There's no option for publishing collaborativly-developed documents. …
Wishlist of options / extension for extending the CCCS web 'core'.
CCCS Django framework
Advantanges over common wiki systems:
- Make posts 'draft' or 'published
Wikis are meant to be open to everyone. For 'internal' wikis, there is only the ability to collaborate behind a private wiki. There's no option for publishing collaborativly-developed documents. That is, we can't have wiki articles 'visible only' to team members who are logged in, as we can have with the current CMS.
Advantanges over common web management systems:
- Able to diff the database
The current CMS, by contrast, is not intended as a collaborative publication tool. Changes to we content are lost if one user changes something that should not have been changed. While good database backup protocol can help to avoid data loss and compromise, it would be better if the database maintained a record of changes (like wikis do) allowing Git diff functions.