This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
Fix the ASCII diff to not be buggy anymore. Example diff: ``` ├[~] service aws-appintegrations │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::AppIntegrations::DataIntegration │ └ properties │ └ ScheduleConfig: - ScheduleConfig │ + ScheduleConfig ├[~] service aws-appsync │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::AppSync::ApiKey │ │ └ properties │ │ └[-] ApiKeyId: string │ └[~] resource AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration │ └ attributes │ └[+] Id: string ├[~] service aws-athena │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::Athena::WorkGroup │ └ attributes │ └ WorkGroupConfigurationUpdates.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion: - string │ + string ├[~] service aws-autoscaling │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup │ └ types │ ├[~] type MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequest │ │ └ properties │ │ ├ Max: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ └ Min: - number │ │ + integer │ └[~] type TotalLocalStorageGBRequest │ └ properties │ ├ Max: - number │ │ + integer │ └ Min: - number │ + integer ├[~] service aws-cloudformation │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::CloudFormation::Stack │ └ properties │ └ TemplateURL: - string │ + string ├[~] service aws-cognito │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::Cognito::UserPool │ │ ├ - tagInformation: undefined │ │ │ + tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"UserPoolTags","variant":"map"} │ │ ├ properties │ │ │ └ UserPoolTags: - json │ │ │ + Map<string, string> ⇐ json │ │ └ attributes │ │ └[+] UserPoolId: string │ └[~] resource AWS::Cognito::UserPoolGroup │ ├ properties │ │ └ Precedence: - integer │ │ + number │ └ attributes │ └[+] Id: string ├[~] service aws-datapipeline │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline │ ├ properties │ │ └ ParameterObjects: - Array<ParameterObject> │ │ + Array<ParameterObject> │ └ attributes │ └[+] Id: string ├[~] service aws-directoryservice │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD │ ├ properties │ │ └ Password: - string │ │ + string │ └ attributes │ └[+] Id: string ├[~] service aws-dms │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::DMS::ReplicationConfig │ ├ - documentation: A replication configuration that you later provide to configure and start a AWS DMS Serverless replication │ │ + documentation: │ └ properties │ └[-] ReplicationConfigArn: string ├[~] service aws-docdb │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::DocDB::DBCluster │ └ attributes │ └ Port: - integer ⇐ string │ + string ├[~] service aws-ec2 │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::EC2::Subnet │ └ properties │ ├[+] Ipv4NetmaskLength: integer │ └[+] Ipv6NetmaskLength: integer ├[~] service aws-ecs │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::ECS::Service │ └ types │ ├[~] type AwsVpcConfiguration │ │ └ properties │ │ └ Subnets: - Array<string> │ │ + Array<string> │ └[~] type LoadBalancer │ └ properties │ └ ContainerPort: - integer │ + integer ├[~] service aws-events │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::Events::Connection │ │ └ properties │ │ └ AuthorizationType: - string │ │ + string │ ├[~] resource AWS::Events::EventBus │ │ └ attributes │ │ └ Policy: - json | string ⇐ string │ │ + string │ └[~] resource AWS::Events::Rule │ └ attributes │ └[+] Id: string ├[~] service aws-healthlake │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::HealthLake::FHIRDatastore │ └ attributes │ ├ CreatedAt.Nanos: - integer │ │ + integer │ └ CreatedAt.Seconds: - string │ + string ├[~] service aws-iam │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::IAM::Group │ └ attributes │ └[+] Id: string ├[~] service aws-iot │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::IoT::Policy │ ├ - tagInformation: undefined │ │ + tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"standard"} │ └ properties │ └[+] Tags: Array<tag> ├[~] service aws-iotthingsgraph │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::IoTThingsGraph::FlowTemplate │ └ - documentation: Resource Type definition for AWS::IoTThingsGraph::FlowTemplate │ + documentation: ├[~] service aws-iottwinmaker │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::IoTTwinMaker::ComponentType │ │ └ attributes │ │ └ Status.Error: - json | Error ⇐ Error │ │ + Error │ └[~] resource AWS::IoTTwinMaker::Entity │ └ attributes │ └ Status.Error: - json | Error ⇐ Error │ + Error ├[~] service aws-lightsail │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::Lightsail::Instance │ └ types │ └[~] type Networking │ └ properties │ └ MonthlyTransfer: - MonthlyTransfer ⇐ integer │ + MonthlyTransfer ├[~] service aws-managedblockchain │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Node │ └ properties │ └ MemberId: - string │ + string ├[~] service aws-medialive │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::MediaLive::Input │ └ attributes │ ├ Destinations: - Array<InputDestinationRequest> ⇐ Array<string> │ │ + Array<string> │ └ Sources: - Array<InputSourceRequest> ⇐ Array<string> │ + Array<string> ├[~] service aws-msk │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::MSK::BatchScramSecret │ │ └ - documentation: Resource Type definition for AWS::MSK::BatchScramSecret │ │ + documentation: │ └[~] resource AWS::MSK::ServerlessCluster │ └ - documentation: Resource Type definition for AWS::MSK::ServerlessCluster │ + documentation: ├[~] service aws-networkmanager │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::NetworkManager::ConnectPeer │ └ attributes │ ├ Configuration.CoreNetworkAddress: - string │ │ + string │ ├ Configuration.InsideCidrBlocks: - Array<string> │ │ + Array<string> │ ├ Configuration.PeerAddress: - string │ │ + string │ └ Configuration.Protocol: - string │ + string ├[~] service aws-nimblestudio │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::NimbleStudio::StreamingImage │ └ attributes │ ├ EncryptionConfiguration.KeyArn: - string │ │ + string │ └ EncryptionConfiguration.KeyType: - string │ + string ├[~] service aws-redshift │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::Redshift::EndpointAccess │ │ └ attributes │ │ └ VpcEndpoint.NetworkInterfaces: - Array<NetworkInterface> │ │ + Array<NetworkInterface> │ └[~] resource AWS::Redshift::EventSubscription │ └ - documentation: The `AWS::Redshift::EventSubscription` resource creates an Amazon Redshift Event Subscription. │ + documentation: ├[~] service aws-s3objectlambda │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPoint │ └ attributes │ ├ PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.BlockPublicAcls: - boolean │ │ + boolean │ ├ PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.BlockPublicPolicy: - boolean │ │ + boolean │ ├ PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.IgnorePublicAcls: - boolean │ │ + boolean │ └ PublicAccessBlockConfiguration.RestrictPublicBuckets: - boolean │ + boolean ├[~] service aws-sagemaker │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::SageMaker::InferenceExperiment │ │ └ attributes │ │ ├ EndpointMetadata.EndpointConfigName: - string │ │ │ + string │ │ ├ EndpointMetadata.EndpointName: - string │ │ │ + string │ │ └ EndpointMetadata.EndpointStatus: - string │ │ + string │ └[~] resource AWS::SageMaker::Pipeline │ ├ properties │ │ └ PipelineDefinition: - PipelineDefinition | PipelineDefinition ⇐ json │ │ + PipelineDefinition ⇐ json │ └ types │ └[~] type PipelineDefinition │ └ properties │ ├ PipelineDefinitionBody: - string │ │ + string │ └ PipelineDefinitionS3Location: - S3Location │ + S3Location ├[~] service aws-sam │ ├ - cloudFormationNamespace: AWS::Serverless │ │ + cloudFormationNamespace: AWS::SAM │ └ resources │ ├[~] resource AWS::Serverless::Api │ │ ├ - documentation: Definition of AWS::Serverless::Api │ │ │ + documentation: │ │ ├ properties │ │ │ ├ EndpointConfiguration: - EndpointConfiguration | string │ │ │ │ + string | EndpointConfiguration │ │ │ └ MinimumCompressionSize: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ └ types │ │ └[~] type S3Location │ │ └ properties │ │ └ Version: - number │ │ + integer │ ├[~] resource AWS::Serverless::Application │ │ ├ - documentation: Definition of AWS::Serverless::Application │ │ │ + documentation: │ │ └ properties │ │ └ TimeoutInMinutes: - number │ │ + integer │ ├[~] resource AWS::Serverless::Function │ │ ├ - documentation: Definition of AWS::Serverless::Function │ │ │ + documentation: │ │ ├ properties │ │ │ ├ MemorySize: - number │ │ │ │ + integer │ │ │ ├ Policies: - string | Array<string | IAMPolicyDocument | SAMPolicyTemplate> | IAMPolicyDocument │ │ │ │ + string | Array<string | IAMPolicyDocument | SAMPolicyTemplate> | IAMPolicyDocument ⇐ string | IAMPolicyDocument │ │ │ ├ ReservedConcurrentExecutions: - number │ │ │ │ + integer │ │ │ └ Timeout: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ └ types │ │ ├[~] type DeploymentPreference │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ ├ Enabled: - boolean │ │ │ │ + boolean │ │ │ └ Type: - string │ │ │ + string │ │ ├[~] type DynamoDBEvent │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ ├ BatchSize: - number │ │ │ │ + integer │ │ │ ├ MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds: - number │ │ │ │ + integer │ │ │ ├ MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds: - number │ │ │ │ + integer │ │ │ ├ MaximumRetryAttempts: - number │ │ │ │ + integer │ │ │ └ ParallelizationFactor: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ ├[~] type EphemeralStorage │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ └ Size: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ ├[~] type EventInvokeConfig │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ ├ MaximumEventAgeInSeconds: - number │ │ │ │ + integer │ │ │ └ MaximumRetryAttempts: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ ├[~] type HttpApiEvent │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ └ TimeoutInMillis: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ ├[~] type KinesisEvent │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ └ BatchSize: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ ├[~] type RouteSettings │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ └ ThrottlingBurstLimit: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ ├[~] type S3Location │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ └ Version: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ └[~] type SQSEvent │ │ └ properties │ │ └ BatchSize: - number │ │ + integer │ ├[~] resource AWS::Serverless::HttpApi │ │ ├ - documentation: Definition of AWS::Serverless::HttpApi │ │ │ + documentation: │ │ └ types │ │ ├[~] type CorsConfigurationObject │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ └ MaxAge: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ ├[~] type RouteSettings │ │ │ └ properties │ │ │ └ ThrottlingBurstLimit: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ └[~] type S3Location │ │ └ properties │ │ └ Version: - number │ │ + integer │ ├[~] resource AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion │ │ ├ - documentation: Definition of AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion │ │ │ + documentation: │ │ └ types │ │ └[~] type S3Location │ │ └ properties │ │ └ Version: - number │ │ + integer │ ├[~] resource AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable │ │ ├ - documentation: Definition of AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable │ │ │ + documentation: │ │ └ types │ │ └[~] type ProvisionedThroughput │ │ └ properties │ │ ├ ReadCapacityUnits: - number │ │ │ + integer │ │ └ WriteCapacityUnits: - number │ │ + integer │ └[~] resource AWS::Serverless::StateMachine │ ├ - documentation: Definition of AWS::Serverless::StateMachine │ │ + documentation: │ ├ properties │ │ └ Policies: - string | Array<string | IAMPolicyDocument | SAMPolicyTemplate> | IAMPolicyDocument │ │ + string | Array<string | IAMPolicyDocument | SAMPolicyTemplate> | IAMPolicyDocument ⇐ string | IAMPolicyDocument │ └ types │ └[~] type S3Location │ └ properties │ └ Version: - number │ + integer ├[~] service aws-shield │ └ resources │ └[~] resource AWS::Shield::Protection │ └ types │ └[~] type ApplicationLayerAutomaticResponseConfiguration │ └ properties │ └ Action: - Action | Action ⇐ Action │ + Action ⇐ Action └[~] service aws-sns └ resources └[~] resource AWS::SNS::TopicInlinePolicy └ - documentation: Schema for AWS::SNS::TopicInlinePolicy + documentation: ```
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