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What is it?

This is a small library for doing DFA (differental fault attacks). Currently supports fault attacks on AES and DES. The library uses Jlsca, my other toy project, and since it's not part of METADATA you need to clone both:

using Pkg; 

and then:


Check tests/dfa-aes-tests.jl on howto use for AES and test/dfa-des-tests.jl on how to use for DES. The tests read faulty outputs from a text file, so should be easy to adopt to your needs.

AES example

Needs a text file with a correct output in hex on the first line, and faulty outputs on subsequent lines.

cat > myfaultyoutputs.txt << EOF

Then, run this in Julia.

using Jlsca:Aes
using Jldfa

a = AesDfaState()

io = open(ARGS[1],"r")
correct = hex2bytes(readline(io))

while !eof(io)
    faulty = hex2bytes(readline(io))


recoveredrk = getKey(a)
recoveredrk = Aes.ShiftRows(recoveredrk)
recoveredkey = Aes.KeyExpansionBackwards(vec(recoveredrk), 10, 4)[1:16]

print("recovered rk:         $(bytes2hex(recoveredrk))\n")
print("recovered aes128 key: $(bytes2hex(recoveredkey))\n")

(rows,cols,candidates) = size(a.scores)

for row in 1:rows
        for col in 1:cols
                sorted = sortperm(a.scores[row,col,:], rev=true)
                print("row $row, col $col\n") 
                for i in 1:5
                        idx = sorted[i]
                        val = a.scores[row,col,idx]
                        print("\trank: $i, score $(val), kb 0x$(string(idx-1, base=16)),\n")

Should print this:

recovered rk:         ff28d15cae2bb5d9e68a0e760b08c2c6
recovered aes128 key: 2b0b097b0538051017b276ff8f7313f4
row 1, col 1
        rank: 1, score 24, kb 0xff
        rank: 2, score 15, kb 0x19
        rank: 3, score 14, kb 0x3e
        rank: 4, score 14, kb 0x56
        rank: 5, score 14, kb 0xe5

row 1, col 2
        rank: 1, score 26, kb 0xae
        rank: 2, score 17, kb 0x4e
        rank: 3, score 16, kb 0x41
        rank: 4, score 15, kb 0x40
        rank: 5, score 15, kb 0xb7

row 1, col 3
        rank: 1, score 27, kb 0xe6
        rank: 2, score 17, kb 0x57
        rank: 3, score 17, kb 0xbc
        rank: 4, score 16, kb 0xaa
        rank: 5, score 16, kb 0xff

row 1, col 4
        rank: 1, score 24, kb 0xb
        rank: 2, score 17, kb 0xe3
        rank: 3, score 16, kb 0x1a
        rank: 4, score 15, kb 0x4
        rank: 5, score 15, kb 0x5a

row 2, col 1
        rank: 1, score 26, kb 0x8
        rank: 2, score 17, kb 0xb
        rank: 3, score 15, kb 0x48
        rank: 4, score 15, kb 0xd4
        rank: 5, score 14, kb 0x26

row 2, col 2
        rank: 1, score 23, kb 0x28
        rank: 2, score 18, kb 0x1d
        rank: 3, score 17, kb 0x89
        rank: 4, score 16, kb 0x92
        rank: 5, score 16, kb 0x9f

row 2, col 3
        rank: 1, score 25, kb 0x2b
        rank: 2, score 17, kb 0x79
        rank: 3, score 16, kb 0x8b
        rank: 4, score 16, kb 0xc9
        rank: 5, score 16, kb 0xe2

row 2, col 4
        rank: 1, score 24, kb 0x8a
        rank: 2, score 19, kb 0x9c
        rank: 3, score 17, kb 0x71
        rank: 4, score 16, kb 0xbf
        rank: 5, score 16, kb 0xee

row 3, col 1
        rank: 1, score 23, kb 0xe
        rank: 2, score 16, kb 0xc
        rank: 3, score 16, kb 0x26
        rank: 4, score 16, kb 0x94
        rank: 5, score 16, kb 0xd2

row 3, col 2
        rank: 1, score 24, kb 0xc2
        rank: 2, score 18, kb 0x64
        rank: 3, score 16, kb 0xc
        rank: 4, score 16, kb 0x15
        rank: 5, score 16, kb 0x79

row 3, col 3
        rank: 1, score 22, kb 0xd1
        rank: 2, score 19, kb 0x2b
        rank: 3, score 18, kb 0x25
        rank: 4, score 18, kb 0xea
        rank: 5, score 16, kb 0x2d

row 3, col 4
        rank: 1, score 23, kb 0xb5
        rank: 2, score 20, kb 0xe
        rank: 3, score 18, kb 0xb2
        rank: 4, score 18, kb 0xb8
        rank: 5, score 17, kb 0x91

row 4, col 1
        rank: 1, score 24, kb 0xd9
        rank: 2, score 18, kb 0x18
        rank: 3, score 16, kb 0x20
        rank: 4, score 15, kb 0x15
        rank: 5, score 15, kb 0x65

row 4, col 2
        rank: 1, score 22, kb 0x76
        rank: 2, score 17, kb 0xa2
        rank: 3, score 16, kb 0xee
        rank: 4, score 15, kb 0x4a
        rank: 5, score 15, kb 0x9f

row 4, col 3
        rank: 1, score 30, kb 0xc6
        rank: 2, score 18, kb 0xfd
        rank: 3, score 17, kb 0x85
        rank: 4, score 16, kb 0xf8
        rank: 5, score 15, kb 0x73

row 4, col 4
        rank: 1, score 24, kb 0x5c
        rank: 2, score 18, kb 0x18
        rank: 3, score 17, kb 0x37
        rank: 4, score 15, kb 0x12
        rank: 5, score 15, kb 0x30

Take a look at tests/dfa-aes-tests.jl if you want to see how to generate these faults.

DES example

Take a look at test/dfa-des-tests.jl. Code is a bit more involved since it recovers two round keys.


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