August 14, 2013, Chromium 25.0.1364.1123
- Added signing to CefSharp.WinForms and CefSharp.Wpf [@dabide]
- Add support for parameters of type 'Object' accepting any type of value. [@EMonk72]
- Fix object binding to allow multiple methods with same name. [@EMonk72]
- Reimplemented Javascript-to-.NET binding to support a range of options including C#-style param arrays and optional parameters
with default values. [@EMonk72] - Added support for accessing the body of the request in a custom scheme handler. [@kpko]
- Added support for overriding the window.alert(), window.confirm() and window.prompt() methods by using the new IJsDialogHandler
interface + the new IWebBrowser.JsDialogHandler property, which is presumed to be your own implementation of this interface.
[@KristinaKoeva] - Fixed a null pointer exception that occurs when WebView is loaded. [@joaompneves]
- Fixed crash on window deactivate. [@joaompneves]