This repo explain how to generate 3D scene of table tennis points. To create this scene, we used the API of Blender bpy. We provided a script to create scene with the table, players and ball position for each frame and the camera. We also provided a script to create a video of the point generated in the 3D scene.
- Download MMPose
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download Blender (recommanded)
To estimate player positions we use position of players' feet by using pose estimation with mmpose To generate pose estimation on a table tennis point video:
- Use
from Params:
- video_path
- output_csv (We need a video of a single camera with only one point)
- Params:
This function create a csv file with all players positions and with a tracking provided
If you we don't know intrisec camera parameters, we can estimate them with OpenCv functions such as slovepnp()
or calibrateCamera()
. These functions can be used directly inside blender with
To estimate these parameters, we can use 6 known points from the table
We need to create a json with these parameters (exemple:
To create the video we need more annotated data. We need to annotate more informations such as rebounce positions, hit positions and compute 3D ball trajectories.
We provided an exemple with all necessary files to create the video. All this are in folder exemple.
To generate video
To create the csv with coordonates in the new referentiel we need to use create_csv_new_ref()