SonarQube SHELL
How to build
Clone a copy of the main SonarQube Shell git repository by running:
git clone
Enter the sonar-shell directory
cd sonar-shell
Run the build script:
mvn clean package
To launch SonarQube Shell use the below command
java -jar sonar-shell-1.0-RC.jar
Shell commands
For assistance press or type help
then hit ENTER. Type help <command>
to read more about a specific command.
These are the common SonarQube shell commands used in various situations:
Connects to the SonarQube server. If this is not specified, attempts to connect to localhost, port 9000 using the HTTP protocol.
connect --host --port 443 --protocol https
Disconnects from the SonarQube server
Exports the issues reported by the SonarQube to a file using the maintainability profile provided as parameter
export --projectKeys "closure:library,org.apache.tika:tika,c-family:nginx" --profile maintainability.json --path issues.json
The profile file format is presented below:
"category": "maintainability",
"axes": [
"name": "complexity",
"rules": ["javascript:FunctionComplexity", "squid:MethodCyclomaticComplexity", "squid:S1067", "cpp:FunctionComplexity"]
"name": "readability",
"rules": ["javascript:NestedIfDepth", "squid:S00115", "squid:S134", "c:S134"]