Course Notes and Materials for the Computer Science @SUSTech.
The repo records my every notes, materials and codes of the courses that I've taken seriously. I might not express my solutions well so if you have problems understanding my writing, please feel free to raise an Issue or drop me a email via chanben04gz [AT] gmail [DOT] com
. It's much appreciated if you'd like to contribute to this repo.
Due to my preference for system security, I did not (and will neither) enroll most of the AI related courses like Machine Learning (CS401) and Intelligent Robotics (CS405). Sorry for not covering them. Please refer to other repos for those courses.
The repo contains the following courses for now
Basically the folders under each course are
- Assignment Programming or Theory assignment
- Lab Reports and practices
- Exam Final and midterm tests
- Slides Lecture materials
- Text Textbook and reference
Mostly, assignments, notes and reports are written in Typst or
The notes can be viewed on my blog. I haven't written any, though.
If you'd like to download folder(s) of specific course, Downgit might be useful.
It depends on you, trust yourself. As a little tip, you can preview the slides before the semester starts so as to have a general idea of the course, or even better, you will master the course if you're a quick learner. Also, you can refer to the solutions to check if you're right or not, and review the exams to see if you've mastered the course.
You're welcome to contribute to this repo. Please refer to the for more details.