Gradient Approximation of Approximate Multipliers for High-Accuracy Deep Neural Network Retraining
This project implements a framework to recover the accuracy of approximate multiplier (AppMult)-based deep neural networks (DNNs). It simulates the AppMult function using lookup tables (LUTs) and features with arbitrary self-defined LUT-based gradients for the AppMult. Its overall flow is shown below:
For more details, you can refer to the following paper: Chang Meng, Wayne Burleson, Weikang Qian, and Giovanni De Micheli, "Gradient Approximation of Approximate Multipliers for High-Accuracy Deep Neural Network Retraining," in Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, Lyon, France, 2025.
Reference OS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Reference AI development environment
- Python 3.12.3
- PyTorch 2.3.0+cu121
- CUDA 12.4
- CuDNN 8.9.2
Reference C++ development environment (optional, used for circuit simulation & LUT generation)
Tools: gcc 10.3.0 & g++ 10.3.0 & cmake 3.16.3
You can install these tools with the following command:
sudo apt install gcc-10 sudo apt install g++-10 sudo apt install cmake
You also need to check whether the default versions of gcc and g++ are 10.3.0:
gcc --version g++ --version
If the default versions of gcc and g++ are not 10.3.0, please change them to 10.3.0.
Libraries: libboost 1.74.0, libreadline 8.0-4, libgmp, libmpfr, libmpc
You can install these libraries with the following command:
sudo apt install libboost1.74-all-dev sudo apt install libreadline-dev sudo apt install libgmp-dev sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev sudo apt-get install libmpc-dev
- This project contains a submodule for circuit simulation and LUT generation: open-source logic synthesis and verification tool ABC
git clone --recursive
Please ensure that you have added the argument "--recursive" to clone the submodule ABC.
- Pretrained models: You can find the pretrained FP32 models used in our experiments here: Pretrained models
Key folders:
- app_mult: AppMult files, where the .sop file stores the AppMult's multi-level circuit, and the <circuit_name>lutfp+bp_avg<half_window_size>_<half_window_size>.txt stores the LUTs for the corresponding AppMult (including forward propagation AppMult values + backward propagation gradients; please refer to example 2 to know how to generate this file).
- mirconet+: Pytorch implementation of AppMult-aware retraining
- self_ops: CUDA-based self-defined GEMM operators for LUT-based forward and backward propagation of AppMults
- simulator: circuit simulator, used to generate lookup tables for AppMults
- To build the GEMM operators for LUT-based forward and backward propagation of AppMults, go to the project root directory, and then execute:
pip install -e .
If you compile successfully, you will obtain the following shared library in the project root directory:
- (Optional) To build the circuit simulator for generating the LUT for an AppMult (in the folder simulator), go to the project root directory, and then execute:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cd ..
If you compile successfully, you will obtain the following executable program: simulator.out
- To perform AppMult-aware retraining for DNNs using difference-based gradient approximation for the AppMult, a reference command is:
python micronet+/ -f -b 7 -l ./app_mults/resub_als/Mult_7_7_MED_63.6771_size_178_depth_23_lutfp+bp_avg_8_8.txt -p ./pretrained/cifar10_resnet18_fp32_acc_94.06.pth
where -f option means using a fixed random seed for the purpose of reproducing the experimental results,
-b option specifies the bit-width of the applied AppMult,
-l option specifies the path to the AppMult LUT (including forward propagation AppMult values + backward propagation gradients; please refer to example 2 for the generation details),
and -p option specifies the path to the pretrained FP32 DNN model.
After 30 epochs, the accuracy will recover from about 10% to about 90%.
- To perform AppMult-aware retraining for DNNs using straight-through estimation (STE) gradient for the AppMult, a reference command is:
python micronet+/ -u -f -b 7 -l ./app_mults/resub_als/Mult_7_7_MED_63.6771_size_178_depth_23_lutfp+bp_avg_8_8.txt -p ./pretrained/cifar10_resnet18_fp32_acc_94.06.pth
where -u option means using the STE estimator.
After 30 epochs, the accuracy will recover from about 10% to about 80%.
To generate the AppMult LUT (including forward propagation AppMult values + backward propagation gradients), a reference flow is as follows:
./simulator.out --appMult ./app_mults/resub_als/Mult_7_7_MED_45.8873_size_189_depth_25_sop.blif > ./tmp/Mult_7_7_MED_45.8873_size_189_depth_25_lutfp.txt
python scripts/ -f ./tmp/Mult_7_7_MED_45.8873_size_189_depth_25_lutfp.txt -w 8 > ./tmp/Mult_7_7_MED_45.8873_size_189_depth_25_lutfp+bp_avg_8_8.txt
The first command calls simulator.out to simulate the AppMult ./app_mults/resub_als/Mult_7_7_MED_45.8873_size_189_depth_25_sop.blif and generates a LUT that stores the AppMult values for each input combination, i.e., ./tmp/Mult_7_7_MED_45.8873_size_189_depth_25_lutfp.txt
The second command computes difference-based gradient approximation using a half window size of w=8 (please refer to our paper). It generates a new file, ./tmp/Mult_7_7_MED_45.8873_size_189_depth_25_lutfp+bp_avg_8_8.txt, including a LUT for forward propagation and two LUTs storing the gradients of the AppMult with regards to two input operands.
- The default version is fixed for 7-bit AppMults. To test AppMults with different bit-widths (no more than 8-bit), please change the MACRO of "QUANTIZATION_BIT" to the required value in the CUDA code here:
For example, if you want to test 8-bit AppMults, modify the CUDA code to "#define QUANTIZATION_BIT 8" and re-compile. Meanwhile, you also need to specify the -b option in the to 8 (if you are testing 8-bit AppMults).