Given an iTerm colour scheme outputs the colours in standard hex RGB format to allow easier conversion to other terminals.
PS> Import-Module ./ConvertFrom-ItermColoursToHex.psm1
PS> [xml](Get-Content ./deuteranopia.itermcolors) | ConvertFrom-ItermColoursToHex
Name Colour
---- ------
Black #000000
Red #999900
Bright Green #0000FF
Bright Yellow #FFFFBF
Bright Blue #8080FF
Bright Magenta #FFFF80
Bright Cyan #BFBFFF
Bright White #FFFFFF
Green #000099
Yellow #999973
Blue #4D4D99
Magenta #99994D
Cyan #737399
White #C4C4C4
Bright Black #6C6C6C
Bright Red #FFFF00
Background #000000
Bold Text #C4C4C4
Cursor Background #C4C4C4
Cursor Foreground #000000
Text #C4C4C4
Selected Foregrond #C4C4C4
Selection Background #000000