Esp8266 collects the data form the hardware and make post request to the end point the backend is configured in such way that it collects the data and stores it in a mongodb . To make the api express is used
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IoT peripheral devices like Sensors are great for collecting data but when it comes to Processing the data and making decisions based on it, we run into serious processing issues due to lack of Compute power on these tiny little things. To overcome this problem we take the processing load from the Sensors to Cloud.
Connected Things recieves data from the Sensors when certain threshold condition is breached. This data is used to make decisions or to run pre-defined statements
The Tech Stack we chose to tackle this problem consists of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap for the frontend, Node JS, Express JS for the backend, MongoDB to handle the Document Storage and Retrieval, esp8266 (Node MCU) is used to collect the sensor data and post it to express server
The main challenge we went through was connecting hardware to the server. We use http protocal to do this
Firstly this is our first hackthon and We are proud of it!
Learnt to work with team, dividing the work
We are planing to work on real-time database