Using current git staged files to find out modfied and added files passing eslint, to prevent lint the whole repository again and again. This is a nice package to use along with git precommit
npm install eslint-gitstaged
Install global
npm i -g eslint-gitstaged
Usage: eslintgs [options] [command]
help Display help
-e, --eslint [value] eslint.json file path (defaults to "./.eslintrc.json")
-E, --ext [value] extension names, can use multiple extensions seperate with comma (defaults to "js,jsx")
-g, --git [value] your git directory, where your .git exist (defaults to ".")
-h, --help Output usage information
-v, --version Output the version number
- eslintrcPath: path to your eslintrc file
- gitPath: path to your
- extension
string | string[]
: which kind of extensions do you want to lint with eslint.
// EslintGitStaged(<eslintrc path>, <git repository path>, <extension default 'js'>)
new EslintGitStaged(resolve(__dirname, "./.eslintrc.js"), resolve(__dirname, "../"), ".js").start()
.then((result) => {
// success no lint error, done lint
.catch((err) => {
// err, when lint failed