Fork of BOOMik's Quest Player for Android, an apk that runs QSP games.
This is a fork of BOOMik's Quest Player, an Android port of Quest Soft Player, tested on a 7" Amazon Fire Tablet (Android 5.1.1) and a Nexus Galaxy (Android 4.4.4). Requires a minimum of Android 4.4 (KitKat).
Android 4.4 for Version 1.6.9b; Android 5.0 for Version 2.0.0+
- Add support for ADDQST and DELQST actions in Quest Soft Player library
- Find solution for Android OS Honeycomb creating blank space around main description panel
- Finish translations of strings.xml and prefs.xml files for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
- Fix any more bugs that show up
Version 2.0.0 (Android 5.0)
- "File" code replaced with "DocumentFile" and Storage Access Framework
- Downloading games working again!
- Save files now located to relevant game directory - if you have old save files, just move them into the game directory.
- Update Jan 12, 2018: code fix to correct save/load crash bug
- Update Jan 13, 2018: Select Directory option added to "No Game Directory" dialog
Version 1.6.9b (Android 4.4)
- Fixed problem where image was not properly sized when file name contained an empty space character (" ")
- Completed Russian and Chinese (Simplified+Traditional) translation
Version 1.6.9
- Fixed bug that prevented some devices from accessing the External SD Card properly. Will still default to internal storage if unable to locate suitable external storage.
Version 1.6.8
- When "Open Game File" command links to a non-existent directory, app will default to the base directory in that storage device (if possible) and display a brief alert.
Version 1.6.7
- Fixed bug that showed "SD Card not connected" error when that was clearly not the case.
Version 1.6.6
- Changed "auto-clear" subroutine as previous version did not correct problem.
- Fixed crash that occurred when changing colors while in portrait mode.
Version 1.6.5
- "Auto-Clear" settings option: activate if large empty space that sometimes appears around the actions list (only occurs on some devices). May cause some game slowdown, so the option is disabled by default.
- Added source path correction subroutine in case of minor HTML coding errors with tags.
- More aggressive removal of unnecessary line breaks.
- More minor bug fixes.
- Added preview to menu for font color settings.
Version 1.6.4
- Fixed image bugs and a few crash problems
- Neutral image used when hiding images now conforms to the same general dimensions as the original image
- Third panel page will now update properly on settings changes
- Coding error in table parser (quick fix)
Version 1.6.3
- Fixed HTML parsing so image maps will scale and be implemented properly
- Enabled multi-file compatibility for games; if your game has multiple QSP files in a directory, each file will now appear as a separate option in the game list
- Saved games are now localized based on game directory, not QSP file name. The save/load list created by "QSP/games/MyGame/mygame1.2.qsp" will be available to "QSP/games/mygame1.3.qsp" and vice versa.
- Local games are now sorted by alphanumeric order
- Fixed some menu bugs Quick Fix!
- Fixed sorting error in Game Stock and improved alogrithm
- Fixed bug where image and video source files with spaces didn't parse properly
Version 1.6.2
- Reinstated Theme option for fonts style
- Fixed bug preventing link color from updating when leaving settings
- Changed Display Settings option to "Image Settings" and "Text Settings"
- New Russian translations by Unregistred! Quick fix!
- Update to credits page.
- Added new Chinese translations
- Fixed random crash occurring with some games
Version 1.6.1
- Added display option to replace all game graphics with a neutral image. This allows a user to censor a game that contains violent, sexual, or obscene imagery.
- Fixed rare data loss when a page contained tandem code repeats
Version 1.6
- Created "About Quest Player" dialog
- Final fixes
Version 1.5.7
- Created directory browser to select QSP game folders directory
- Landscape mode hides the title menu during a game to improve visibility
- Changing the language will properly update upon exiting Settings
- Removed non-functional "About" menu item (will add it back in later)
- Various bug/display fixes (still going!)
Version 1.5.6 (quickfix)
- Added settings option to switch between External SD card and Internal Storage
- Various bug fixes (I'm detecting a pattern)
Version 1.5.5
- Added Settings option to disable "Loading..." web display.
- Various bug fixes
Version 1.5.4 changes:
- App will now change to landscape or portrait mode depending on how the device is held
- Tabulated image sizing issues corrected
- Various bug fixes
Version 1.5.3 changes:
- Player can limit the height of images relative to screen size
- Loaded videos will automatically play
Version 1.5.2 changes:
- Fixed table formatting
- Implemented Display Settings for text/background colors, fonts, and text size; added "default" option
- Simplified and Traditional Chinese version implemented - credit to translator illume!
Version 1.5.0 changes:
- Bug fixes
Version 1.5.0 changes:
- Multi-language support added (partial Russian translation, Chinese translation soon)
- Game creates separate save sets for each game (so, max of 5 saves per game instead of 5 saves total)
- Fixed game crash due to presence of "%" symbol
Version 1.4.3 changes:
- Non-ASCII character support
- Fixed issue with multiple-command link not parsing commands properly
Stuff Fixed as of 1.4.2:
- Inventory menu icon doesn't turn orange any more. Character description menu icon no longer animates on update (still turns orange).
- Displayed images scaled to fit screen height as well as width.
- Found and translated all Russian texts to English (I think).
- Changed TextView to WebView (Android 4.4+ only) -> Center/Tables codes implemented
- Most images will zoom on a long-click
- GIFs animate properly on Android OS 4.4.4
- Video files load properly and loop when started