The project is a collaborative effort between Marc Glasser, the volunteers of the Progressive Coders Network, and the Whole Washington Organization.
Our goal was to design a self-contained app that could be embedded in any website to help users (in our case, voters) compare their current healthcare costs against future costs under a new ballot initiative proposing healthcare reform. The app was first develooped for Whole Washington's I-1600 ballot initiaive in 2018 and later revised for Washington State House bill SB 5222.
The user is walked through a series of questions and form fields to enter data. They can track their current position in the list of questions via a progress bar, and recieve a calculation of their results at the end.
It's our hope that this project can be adapted for use by other campaigns with a need for an embeddable survey tool that renders out immediate feedback based on data provided. While the questions used here are unique to our group mission with some tweaking they can be swapped out and replaced with custom logic. The app has been adapted to work in a custom WordPress plugin.
This app was built entirely in ReactJS.
Deployed @
Savings Estimator - Whole Washington
Yes on 1600 Savings Estimator