I love my dogs alot (like alot-alot) and as such I'm creating a project utilizing HTML, CSS, Javascript elements to show off all my doggos!
I plan to expand this project into each; Python Flask app, React app and Java app that will allow people to upload their own content about their doggos! Fun!
Watch and Star this repo as I'll post updates for all expansions here as well as in their respective repos!
Contributions are welcome.
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MySql -----> Implementation date TBD
Spring Boot Tools -----> Implementation date TBD
Testing through MySql for Login/Registration. -----> Implementation date TBD
Testing through Spring Boot and MySql for JAVA Login/Registration. -----> Implementation date TBD
Client side rendering and buildout - In progress.
-----> Not yet implemented <----- Login/Registration
-----> Not yet implemented <----- Connection to MySql through Python/Flask
-----> Not yet implemented <----- Connection to MySql through Spring/JSTL/JSP
-----> Not yet implemented <----- Live deployment