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API HttpStatusCodes
Christophe SAUVEUR edited this page Sep 29, 2024
1 revision
enum HttpStatusCodes: int
Enumeration of HTTP status codes
Since 2.0
case continue = 100;
Since 2.0
case switchingProtocols = 101;
Since 2.0
case ok = 200;
Since 2.0
case created = 201;
Since 2.0
case accepted = 202;
Since 2.0
case nonAuthoritativeInformation = 203;
Since 2.0
case noContent = 204;
Since 2.0
case resetContent = 205;
Since 2.0
case partialContent = 206;
Since 2.0
case multipleChoices = 300;
Since 2.0
case movedPermanently = 301;
Since 2.0
case movedTemporarily = 302;
Since 2.0
case seeOther = 303;
Since 2.0
case notModified = 304;
Since 2.0
case useProxy = 305;
Since 2.0
case temporaryRedirect = 307;
Since 2.0
case permanentRedirect = 308;
Since 2.0
case tooManyRedirects = 310;
Since 2.0
case badRequest = 400;
Since 2.0
case unauthorized = 401;
Since 2.0
case paymentRequired = 402;
Since 2.0
case forbidden = 403;
Since 2.0
case notFound = 404;
Since 2.0
case methodNotAllowed = 405;
Since 2.0
case notAcceptable = 406;
Since 2.0
case proxyAuthenticationRequired = 407;
Since 2.0
case requestTimeOut = 408;
Since 2.0
case conflict = 409;
Since 2.0
case gone = 410;
Since 2.0
case lengthRequired = 411;
Since 2.0
case preconditionFailed = 412;
Since 2.0
case requestEntityTooLarge = 413;
Since 2.0
case requestUriTooLarge = 414;
Since 2.0
case unsupportedMediaType = 415;
Since 2.0
case requestedRangeUnsatisfiable = 416;
Since 2.0
case expectationFailed = 417;
Since 2.0
case upgradeRequired = 426;
Since 2.0
case preconditionRequired = 428;
Since 2.0
case tooManyRequests = 429;
Since 2.0
case requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431;
Since 2.0
case retryWith = 449;
Since 2.0
case internalServerError = 500;
Since 2.0
case notImplemented = 501;
Since 2.0
case badGateway = 502;
Since 2.0
case serviceUnavailable = 503;
Since 2.0
case gatewayTimeOut = 504;
Since 2.0
case httpVersionNotSupported = 505;
Since 2.0
case bandwidthLimitExceeded = 509;
Since 2.0
case notExtended = 510;
Since 2.0
case networkAuthenticationRequired = 511;
Since 2.0
case webServerIsReturningAnUnknownError = 520;
Since 2.0
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