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Configuration Directives

Christophe SAUVEUR edited this page Feb 5, 2022 · 12 revisions

Assets Management

Directive Description -
scripts An array of Javascript file URIs to be loaded automatically on every page. This directive supports Fake Protocols. Optional
stylesheets An array of stylesheet file URIs to be loaded automatically on every page. This directive support Fake Protocols. Optional


'scripts' => array(
	'js://my_script.js', // with a Fake Protocol
	'app/static/scripts/my_other_script.js' // without a Fake Protocol


Directive Description -
autoload.precedence An array of folders into which the autoloader will look for. The autoloaded elements will be looked in order of precedence in that list. That list is however always prepend with MFX's own folders. Thus, it is not possible to override one of the framework's classes with a custom one. Optional


'autoload' => array(
	'precedence' => array(

Core Manager

Directive Description -
mfx_relative_base_href Relative path to MFX root folder (defaults to mfx) Optional
allow_default_route_substitution If set to true and that the request does not respect the route definition pattern, the default route is used in place (defaults to true) Optional
base_href Set this directive to override the URI used in the base HTML tag (defaults to false) Optional


Directive Description -
request.default_route Defaults route to use if none is provided Required
request.prefix Prefix to consider when parsing the route from the request. Useful with multi-site setups (defaults to empty string) Optional
request.pre_route_callback Method (as callable) called just before the route is executed (defaults to NULL) Optional
request.post_route_callback Method (as callable) called just after the route has been executed (defaults to NULL) Optional


Directive Description -
response.default_content_type Content type of the response if none is explicitly specified (defaults to text/html) Optional
response.default_charset Charset of the response if none is explicitly specified (defaults to UTF-8) Optional
response.full_errors If set to true, the error manager will provide error reports will debug information (defaults to false) Optional


'allow_default_route_substitution' => true,
'request' => array(
	'default_route' => '',
	'pre_route_callback' => array( 'Helpers', 'preRouteCallback' )
'response' => array(
	'default_content_type' => 'application/json',
	'default_charset' => 'ISO-8859-1',
	'full_errors' => true // Not recommended in production environments

Database Management

Directive Description -
database.error_logging If set to true, the database manager logs errors in a specific table. For more information, go to the pdo-database-manager documentation (defaults to false) Optional
database.servers An associative array where keys are the server names, and the values are the server specific directives. Values as strings are considered name aliases for different server configuration (see Example section). If database management is used, a __default server connection is required as a minimum. Optional
database.updaters An array of updaters for the database servers Optional

Database Server Specific Directives

MFX uses PDO as a database abstraction layer. See PDO documentation for more information on those directives.

Directive Description -
dsn Data Source Name for the server Required
username Username to access the server  Required
password Password to access the server Required

Database Updater Specific Directives

For more information, see the Database Updater documentation.

Directive Description -
domain  Domain for the updater (defaults to NULL) Optional
classes An array of classes to load as updaters (defaults to empty array) Optional


'database' => array(
	'servers' => array(
		'__mfx' => array(
			'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=test_database;host=localhost',
			'username' => 'root',
			'password' => 'root'
		'__default' => '__mfx' // __default is here an alias of __mfx
	'updaters' => array(
		'domain' => 'main',
		'class' => array(

Documentation Comment Parser

Directive Description -
doccommentparser.class Set this directive to override the documentation comment parser (defaults to empty string) Optional
doccommentparser.prefixes An array of prefixes to consider valid when parsing documentation comments (defaults to empty array) Optional


'doccommentparser' => array(,
	'class' => 'MyDocCommentParserClass',
	'prefixes' => array(

Fake Protocols

Directive Description -
fake_protocols An associative array of Fake Protocols where the key is the name of the protocol, and the value is the path aliased by the protocol Optional


'fake_protocols' => array(
	'js' => 'app/static/js',
	'css' => 'app/static/css'

Localization (L10n)

Directive Description -
default_locale Default locale used if the framework is unable to identity the actual locale, or if the actual locale is not supported (defaults to en_US) Optional
text_domains An associative array of gettext domains where the key is the name of the domain, and the value is the path to the gettext files. For more information, look for the bindtextdomain function documentation. Optional


'text_domains' => array(
	'__default' => 'app/messages'


Directive Description -
profiling If set to true, enables the built-in profiler (defaults to false) Optional


'profiling' => true // Not recommended in production environments

Session Management

This section allows you to configure PHP session management. For more information, go to the official documentation.

Directive Description -
session.enabled If set to true, PHP session management is enabled. It is disabled otherwise (default to true) Optional PHP session name (defaults to MFXSESSION) Optional
session.use_cookies If set to true, PHP will use cookies to maintain session (defaults to true - recommended) Optional
session.lifetime PHP session duration (defaults to 0) Optional
session.path PHP session path (defaults to website root) Optional
session.domain PHP session domain (defaults to empty string) Optional


'session' => array(
	'enabled' => true,
	'name' => 'my_session_name'

Templating with Twig

Directive Description -
twig.templates An array of paths when looking for template files (defaults to empty array) Optional
twig.cache Path of the template cache directory, or false to disable cache (defaults to tmp/twig_cache) Optional
twig.extensions An array of extension class names for Twig to load (defaults to empty array) Optional


'twig' => array(
	'cache' => false, // Not recommended for production environments
	'templates' => array(
	'extensions' => array(

Timezone Management

Directive Description -
timezone Sets the timezone for the server (defaults to UTC). For more information, go to the date_default_timezone_set function documentation Optional


'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'

User Management

Directive Description -
user_management.class Set this directive to override the user management class (defaults to \CheeseBurgames\MFX\User) Optional
user_management.key_field Name of the key field in users database table (defaults to user_id) Optional
user_management.table Name of the users database table (defaults to mfx_users) Optional


'user_management' => array(
	'class' => 'MyUserClass',
	'key_field' => 'id',
	'table' => 'users'
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