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Charlton Trezevant edited this page May 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Notes on Edsby's Design

The reason that the data returned from Edsby might seem confusing, or that PyEdsby apparently has to do a lot of extra processing to retrieve relevant data, is that Edsby does not currently expose any kind of public API. As a result of this, PyEdsby must attempt to parse data returned from Edsby's backend, which is formatted for the web client.

Edsby's client-facing backend is powered by a system called XDS, which is proprietary to CoreFour. XDS includes the data requested in the API call, as well as a wealth of other metadata. XDS combines a number of interrelated pieces of data into a single response document, including templating and schemas, permissions management, the web application's own state, and more. This makes it a very robust and scalable format for ingesting data from the Edsby backend.

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