- issue#9 Support of AAB files. Now you can publish AAB files to Rustore.
Just use a new parameterbuildFormat
in your configuration:
configure<ru.cian.rustore.publish.RustorePublishExtension> {
instances {
register("release") {
buildFormat = ru.cian.rustore.publish.BuildFormat.AAB
if your file is large, you can increase the timeout by a new parameter requestTimeout
in seconds:
configure<ru.cian.rustore.publish.RustorePublishExtension> {
instances {
register("release") {
buildFormat = ru.cian.rustore.publish.BuildFormat.AAB
requestTimeout = 1800 // seconds;
Breaking Changes
- Remove support of Sonatype. It means that you can't use the plugin from Maven Central. You must to use the Gradle Portal.
To do this, you need to add the following code to yoursettings.gradle.kts
:pluginManagement { repositories { gradlePluginPortal() } }