Create an AKS cluster to test out Azure Dev Spaces:
az group create --name devspaces --location australiaeast
az aks create -g devspaces -n devspaces --location australiaeast --generate-ssh-keys
Register for Helm 3 preview (unless it has since gone GA) for Dev Spaces:
Install Dev Spaces in your cluster:
az aks use-dev-spaces -g devspaces -n devspaces --space dev --yes
azds show-context
azds space list
git clone
cd dev-spaces
- Deploy bikesharingapp to
cd samples/BikeSharingApp/
azds show-context
# Edit samples/BikeSharingApp/charts/values.yaml and replace placeholder with HostSuffix
cd charts/
helm install bikesharingsampleappsampleapp . --dependency-update --namespace dev --atomic
- Create child dev spaces
azds space select -n dev/azureuser1 -y
azds space select -n dev/azureuser2 -y
azds space list
- Change into a service directory and make code changes
vim samples/BikeSharingApp/BikeSharingWeb/components/Header.js
- Deploy private changes to AKS
azds space select -n dev/azureuser2
cd ../BikeSharingWeb/
azds up
# CTRL+C to stop streaming logs
- View the modified web app in yor local dev space:
- Verify existing web app in
dev space is unchanged:
- Cleanup
azds down # cleanup child dev space
azds space select -n dev/azureuser2 -y
cd samples/nodejs/getting-started/webfrontend
code .
Open Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P):
- Select
Azure Dev Spaces: Prepare configuration files for Azure Dev Spaces
- Choose
for public endpoint
Debug app:
- Debug with configuration - Launch Server (AZDS)
- Examine generated files (Helm, Dockerfile, azds.yaml)
- Access website URL
Update code - server.js
, line 13:
- Stop Debugging
res.send('Hello from webfrontend in Azure');
- Launch Server (AZDS)
- Test changed in app
- NOTE: Can also Restart Debugging (CTRL+SHIFT+F5) without stopping and relaunching server
Set breakpoint:
- Toggle breakpoint (F9)
- Test app, see breakpoint hit
- Examine vars, callstack
- Toggle breakpoint (F9)
- Continue debugging (F5)
Live reload:
- Stopping Debugging
- Debug with configuration - Attach to a Server (AZDS)
- Edit code, save file
- See changes in browser
# cd dev-spaces/samples/nodejs/getting-started/webfrontend
azds down
rm .dockerignore azds.yaml Dockerfile
rm -rf charts
azds space select -n dev/azureuser2 -y
Open follow two projects in VSCode windows:
In webapi
- Select from Command Palette:
Azure Dev Spaces: Prepare configuration files for Azure Dev Spaces
- Set a breakpoint in the GET / handler
- Debug with F5 - Launch Server (AZDS)
In webfrontend
- Comment/uncomment sections of code in
- Uncomment
var request = require('request');
- Comment the existing code line:
app.get('/api', ...
- Uncomment the follow code snippet:
app.get('/api', function (req, res) {
uri: 'http://mywebapi',
headers: {
/* propagate the dev space routing header */
'azds-route-as': req.headers['azds-route-as']
}, function (error, response, body) {
res.send('Hello from webfrontend and ' + body);
Here we are propagating the azds-route-as
HTTP header so that we can route to another service running in our child space.
- Set breakpoint in the GET / handler callback
- Debug with F5 - Launch Server (AZDS)
Stop debugging both apps.
- Run
azds down
in both app directories (if required). - In
, run:
rm .dockerignore azds.yaml Dockerfile
rm -rf charts
azds show-context
azds list-uris
azds list-uris --all
azds space list
azds space select -n <space_name> -y
azds list-up
azds controller list
Upgrade azds
on Linux:
curl -L | bash
- Official Azure Dev Spaces docs - most of this demo is based on the official Azure Dev Spaces docs
- How Routing Works with Azure Dev Spaces