Overview This provides a client for interacting with the Met Office Weather API, providing a convenient interface for retrieving weather forecasts at different time intervals. The MetofficeClient class encapsulates the API interaction logic, handling authentication, request construction, and response parsing.
MetofficeClient Class Manages API interactions with the Met Office weather service
Requires setting geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude)
- set_coordinates(latitude, longitude): sets the coordinates for the API call
Provides methods to retrieve different forecast types and associated information:
- get_current_hour_forecast(): The current hours hourly forecast
- get_current_day_forecast(): The current days daily forecast
- get_daily(): Daily forecast
- get_time_series(ForecastType): Time Series from the forecast
- get_location(ForecastType): Location name for the forecast
- get_height(ForecastType): Height of the location provided in the forecast
- get_model_run_date(ForecastType): The datetime when the forecast model was run
- get_parameter_description(ForecastType, parameter): The description of a particular parameter in the timeseries
- get_parameter_unit(ForecastType, parameter): The unit of a particular parameter in the timeseries
A sample invocation of the Metoffice API functionality is shown below
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Sample Code for the metoffice API."""
from metoffice.api import MetofficeClient, ForecastType
def main():
with MetofficeClient(api_key=env.get("metoffice_api_key")) as client:
client.set_coordinates(54, -3)
if __name__ == "__main__":