Ansible rolt to install Monit service
Variable | Default | Comment |
monit_check_interval | 120 | Monit's poll cycle length |
monit_start_delay | 240 | Time delay before Monit starts checking services |
monit_http_port | 2812 | Monit http default port |
monit_http_listen_addr | localhost | Monit http listen address |
monit_http_allow_access | ["localhost"] | Monit http allow access |
monit_enable_alert | false | enable Monit alert if true |
monit_alert_rcpt | ['admin@{{ ansible_fqdn }}'] | Monit alert recipients |
monit_alert_sender | "admin@{{ ansible_fqdn }}" | Monit alert sender |
monit_mailserver | ["localhost"] | Monit SMTP host |
monit_mailserver_port | 25 | Monit SMTP port |
monit_mailserver_user | Monit SMTP user | |
monit_mailserver_pass | Monit SMTP pass | |
monit_mail_subject | monit alert -- $EVENT | Monit alert subject |
monit_mail_message: | defaults/main.yml#L20 | Monit alert message |
monit_service_checks | defaults/main.yml#L13 | Services that must be checked by monit |
- geerlingguy.repo-epel
- hosts: servers
monit_start_delay: ""
- role: geerlingguy.repo-epel
when: ansible_distribution == 'RedHat'
- role: cloudweeb.monit
Agnesius Santo Naibaho