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This is a MVP, that instantiates an SDI through a composition of dockerized services. The shipped services are:
- Apachev2.4.12
- Tomcatv7-jre8/Cobweb GN
- Tomcatv7/Geoserverv2.8.5
- PostgreSQLv9.3/PostGISv2.1
- PCAPI v1.3
- Survey Designerv1.0.0
While storage is persisted in volumes associated to a data container, the services are volatile, in the sense that it is relatively cheap to kill them and create them again.
This work was originally created and maintained by @doublebyte1, who can be contacted at: joana.simoes@geocat.net
For supporting version '2' of the compose syntax, you will need docker-compose >= 1.6 and docker >= 1.10.0 Instructions for installing the docker engine on different OS and flavours can be found here:
Instructions for installing docker-compose can be found here:
Note that if you are a non-Linux user, you will need to install docker-machine in addition to docker and compose. You may check the requirements section first. After that, to build and run the system for the first time you want to go to the root directory and run docker-compose.
The compose configuration is in file; docker-compose.yml. If you run the system on your local machine, you can type:
docker-compose up
Running the above, with the -d flag, will cause it to run the containers as daemons. In that case the output will not be redirected to stdout, but you may acccess it with:
docker logs [container-name]
To follow the logs in real time, use the --follow flag:
docker logs --follow [container-name]
This will download and compile the necessary images, and start the services. Each service is wrapped into its own container: one for GeoNetwork, other for GeoServer and another for database. They are binded to the same host, and they are assigned fixed ports on startup.
You can stop the system, just by typing:
docker-compose stop
After creating the containers, you can start the system at any time with:
docker-compose start
As mentioned before, the data volumes are dettached from the containers and mounted in a data container. This allows the service containers to be stopped, restarted or killed, without any loss of data. The volumes being exported include the data directories from GeoNetwork and GeoServer, as well as their PostgreSQL databases and the DB logs.
Docker creates an internal network, which is then used to communicate between containers. All containers are binded to the same host, which is localhost on Linux and the address of the docker machine on OsX and Windows. Only two ports are exposed outside this internal network: 80 and 443 on the apache container.
The PostgreSQL DB accepts passwordless local conections from postgres user. It also accepts authenticated remote connections, but these are limited to the internal network, as we do not expose the PostgreSQL port. Currently, we use a set of default username and passwords, which should be changed for increased security:
- admin, gnos
- geoserver, geoserver
GeoNetwork, GeoServer:
- admin, YY8jDj6FpB
The Cobweb version of GeoNetwork relies on Shibboleth authentication. Some extra effort will be required in order to setup and use a Shibboleth image whithin this composition, but without it the authentication will not work.
The instantiated SDI has a default configuration, provided for ease of usage. Both GeoNetwork and GeoServer are configured, by default, to use PostgreSQL/PostGIS. PostgreSQL is provided with PostGIS installed, and the GeoNetwork and GeoServer databases are created during installation.
GeoNetwork DBs:
- geonetwork-private (spatial DB)
- admin
GeoServer DBs:
- geoserver (spatial DB)
When the system is up and running, the landing page will be at:
You can access GeoNetwork on this address:
You can access GeoServer on this address:
You can access PCAPI on this address:
You can access the Survey Designer on this address:
If you are running docker on Linux or OS X, just replace [replace_me] by localhost (e.g.: Otherwise, replace it by the address of your docker machine. You can find this address, by typing:
docker-machine ip
For recreating a multi-container system, launched with docker compose, you must stop it first. Then you can remove the containers with:
docker-compose rm
Or to do it in one go:
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f
And then build them again with:
docker-compose up
For recreating images, you must remove each image individually with:
docker rmi [some-image]
In order to remove an image, you must ensure there are no containers created from this image. If there are any containers instantiated from this image, you must stop & delete them first.
Then you can rebuild the system with:
docker-compose up
This software is released under the GPL v2 license and can be used and modified free of charge. A complete copy of the license can be found on this link.