CNJ Sandbox
This project is based on Node.js, Gulp for building and for frontend dependencies.
So you need to:
- download and install Node.js
- install global dependencies:
npm install jspm -g
npm install gulp -g
This project is composed by two parts:
- frontend
- backend
From root folder, type:
cd frontend
npm install
jspm install
gulp build
From root folder, type:
cd backend
npm install
sudo chmod u+x server.js
node server.js
Enjoy on http://localhost:8080
API entry-point is
contains links to furthers APIs' endpoints. This endpoint provides countries geolocation info with geometric boundaries. " links " section contains country details with specific endpoints, i.e.
which provides API endpoints for users, locations and languages of current country, or aggregated users' info per Country:
Available country short-name are:
- it: Italy
- uk: United Kingdom
- sp: Spain
- fr: France
Let's assume to choose Italy, each following endpoint is country-based.
The main information provided by this service is " usersInLocations ": represents the number of users per District (Regions in Italy). Each entry provides two extra navigable links:
usersDetails: users details per district, i.e.
This endpoint provides detailed information on GitHub users, including location details and coordinates.
languages: languages details per district, i.e.
This endpoint provides information on programming languages, ranked by users who know that languages in that district.
It also accept a query param " languages " which enables a filter based on a comma list of programming languages (case insensitive):
This API endpoint provides a links object for accessing further more APIs for current country (same as country level):
Provides all programming languages ranked by users in Italy. This service provides two more links:
languagesPerDistrict: provides languages grouped by italian districts
singleDistrict: provides languages in a single italian district (same endpoint as languages in usersInLocations seen above)
Provides all Italian districts with geolocation details. This service can be useful to point clustered markers on each country district. Geolocation information delimits a region area by providing two opposites corner coordinates (i.e. 'northeast', 'southwest').