NetSifter is a robust and versatile networking tool designed for comprehensive web enumeration, scanning, and information gathering. With a user-friendly interface, NetSifter simplifies various website analysis and network reconnaissance tasks.
- WP Plugin Scanner: Identify WordPress plugins and their versions.
- Path Enumeration: Discover hidden paths and directories on a website.
- WP Enumeration: Enumerate WordPress users, themes, and more.
- Emails Scanner: Search for email addresses within a domain.
- Ports Scanner: Scan for open ports on a target IP address.
- IP Scanner: Perform IP address reconnaissance and mapping.
To get started with NetSifter, follow these steps:.
Clone the repository:.
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd LostXtools
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start using NetSifter, run the main script: