This site is aimed at learning or recalling the basics of Python, a high-level programming language suitable for data analytics and data science work.
You can run Python 3.8 or newer versions to run the code in the examples.
Text and tutorials are kept concised to facilitate easy reading. You can refer to the official tutorial otherwise for more comprehensive stuff relating to Python.
Contents are separated into two sections:
These are the basic concepts you'll need to write Python programs
- What is Python?
- IDEs and Code Editors
- Variables and Data Types
- Strings, Numbers, Booleans
- Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
- if, elif, else
- for and while Loops
- Functions
- Classes
- [Exception Handling]
- [Files and I/O]
Materials were adapted from various sources including Kaggle, an online site on Python and the book: Matthes, E. (2019). Python Crash Course (2nd ed.). No Starch Press.