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Submit a PR that adds community standard docs

Greg Swindle edited this page Sep 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Table of contents

1. Fork the Git repository

If you have write access to the repository, you can clone the repository, instead. Otherwise, fork the repository of interest to your personal organization (in GitHub or BitBucket).

2. Clone the forked repository

git clone

cd repo/

3. Create a new docs/community-standards branch

git checkout -b docs/community-standards

4. Add the boilerplate templates to the root directory

mkdir -p docs/img/

cp /path/to/ ./docs/img/

cp /path/to/*.md ./

5. Add the documents to Git

git add .

6. Commit and stage the documents

git commit -m "docs(community-repo): add inner/open source templates

Build a community that encourages people to use, contribute to, and evangelize
your product with these recommended community standards

1. The repo's home page with _consumption_ instructions
2. The instruction manual for _contributions_
3. Instructions for community _behavior_
4. LICENSE: : Mitigate consumer/contributor legal risks (**not included**)

* **TODO:** Replace and's placeholder text with your product delivery team's custom instructions.
* **TODO:** Replace the following string in all documents with your product's name:


7. Push the documents to origin

git push origin docs/community-standards

8. Submit a pull request (PR)

8.1. Title

docs(community-repo): add inner/open source templates

8.2. Description

Add the following Git comment to your PR.

Build a community that encourages people to use, contribute to, and evangelize your product with these recommended community standards (

1. The repo's home page with _consumption_ instructions
2. The instruction manual for _contributions_
3. Instructions for community _behavior_
4. LICENSE: : Mitigate consumer/contributor legal risks (**not included**)

* **TODO:** Replace and's placeholder text with your product delivery team's custom instructions.
* **TODO:** Replace the following string in all documents with your product's name:

## Description of changes

1. Add [GitHub's recommended community standards]( documents in order to encourage people to use, contribute to, and evangelize our products (as well as return meaningful search results).

2. Include an _optional_  to encourage the team to [consider commit message conventions that enable automated CHANGELOG generation and updates](

3. Include sample MIT open source LICENSE: , which is not required for inner source products, but a [crucial consideration should you ever decide to open source your product](

### Associated issue(s)

__N/A__. Just a friendly helping hand from the VZ Inner and Open Source Program 👨‍👧‍👦 .

- [ ] The acceptance criteria for all associated issues have been completed, tested, and validated.

### PR check-list

> **✅  Please review and check the appropriate items.**

#### 1. Next steps

##### 1.1.

- [ ] The README's content provides usage instructions.

- [ ] The README describes our team's Git collaboration model and how to contribute.

##### 1.2.

- [ ] The CONTRIBUTING guidelines provide detailed, unambiguous instructions that allow anyone in Verizon to contribute to your product and community.