Data Model & Documentation
- Central Neo4j Instance readonly at: bolt://all:readonly@, (Write-User in 1Password)
- Develop datamodel
- Simple Importers using Jupyter Notebooks
- Importer Microservices as outlined below in different languages and deployment
- Frontend Microservices for reporting / statistics / visualization / insight
- slack -> javascript
- twitter -> elixir
- meetup -> clojure (Mark?)
- github -> php / js?
- stackoverflow -> python
- blogs -> Kotlin
- email / google group ->
- First get history data in
- Store content in JSON on S3
- dynamic import services
- analytics
Always tag nodes with the channel too
rel-types past tense
Minimally these properties
(:Content {id,title, text, url, created, updated})
(:Container {id, name, url})
(:Tag {name})
(:User {id, handle, name})
(:Person {id, name})
(:Concept {name})
- dashboard (followship, activity)
- content discovery (projects, blogs)
- people activity (over time, when are they falling off)
- channel activity
- identify frequent questions / topics