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📬 A minimalistic library for abstracting asynchronus messaging (inspired by Vice)


Adding messenger to your Go module is as easy as calling this command in your project

go get


Being a minimalistic library, messenger only provides the basics. In essence the basics are transport layer abstractions and a simple (but opinonated) message implementation. The later however is completly independend from the transport layer. Thus you can easily build your own way of handling messages!

Currently supported transports are:

  • In-Memory / Local
  • RabitMQ / AMQP
  • Redis Streams

Setting up a messenger

ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background)
defer cancel()

msgr := local.NewLocalMessenger(ctx)

Receiving data

Receiving and sending data utilizes Go channels, which work just as you expect them to!

The abstraction and thus the use of exchange and consumer in messenger is heavily inspired by the way messages are processed by RabbitMQ using the Publish/Subscribe transport.

data, ok := <- msgr.Receive("exchange", "consumer")
if !ok {
    // Channel is closed, so no further data will arrive

Sending data

msgr.Send("exchange") <- []byte("Hello world!")

IMPORTANT: Do not close send channels after no furhter transmission will take place, as they are shared instances acros the life of your program.

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