In this repository you can find various configurations to configure your Linux operating system, preferably ArchLinux and its derivatives like Manjaro, Arco Linux...
- Xresources (for 4k screen)
- Xmonad
- Xmonad
- Xmobar
- Qtile
- Scripts for automation
- zsh / oh-my-zsh
Clone the repository and start having fun!
# First, install packages and dependencies
sudo pacman -S xmonad xmonad-contrib xmobar trayer xdotool
yay -S nerd-fonts-ubuntu-mono
# Clone this respository and copy my configs
git clone
cd dotfiles/
Xmobar will not work if you don't have my ~/.local/bin scripts.
cp -r dotfiles/.local/bin/* ~/.local/bin/
# These scripts have some dependencies
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib brightnessctl pamixer upower network-manager-applet trayer
My ZSH / oh-my-zsh configurations needs some plugins.
Plugin | Info |
zsh-syntax-highlighting | |
zsh-autosuggestions | |
Free Software, Hell Yeah!