Sankalan is the annual tech fest organised by students of Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi. This is student managed portal, built with Laravel, Vue.js & TailwindCSS.
This is project is built with Laravel & Vue.js. Before you can start local development you need to take care of a few prerequisites, required by laravel.
You can also setup a Local Development Environment using Laravel Homestead. Here is one-time setup guide to get you started:
You can find the server prequisites listed in laravel docs, Additionally, you would require to install composer & nodejs to pull in all the project dependencies. For Linux, you can follow the instructions below to get all the prerequisites under the hood.
Please note that these instructions are not tested yet, and may not work in first place.
Before you begin installing make sure you run sudo apt update
to get the latest version available.
# if you do not have mysql installed on your system
sudo apt install mysql-server
# php & required extensions
sudo apt install php8.0 php8.0-mysql php8.0-xml php8.0-mbstring php8.0-bcmath php8.0-sqlite php8.0-json
# composer & nodejs
sudo apt install nodejs composer
Before you begin installing make sure you run sudo pacman -Sy
to get the latest version available.
# if you do not have mysql installed on your system
sudo pacman -S mysql
# php & required extensions
sudo pacman -S php php-mysql php-xml php-mbstring php-bcmath php-sqlite php-json
# composer & nodejs
sudo pacman -S nodejs composer
Locate your php ini file using php --ini
. For Ubuntu, it would be something like /etc/php/8.0/cli/php.ini
and for Archlinux it is something like /etc/php/php.ini
Search for the text pdo-mysql
in this file if this line is commented i.e it is preceded with ;
, make sure you uncomment it by removing ;
You can simply clone the project using git
git clone
or you can simply download ZIP and extract it.
Change into project directory and install php dependencies using composer
composer install
This will install all the php packages required by the project. Similarly, we would use npm
to install all the required JavaScript dependencies.
npm install
This will install all the JavaScript packages required by the project. After installing JavaScript dependencies, you should compile down the frontend assets using,
npm run dev
This will compile down our stylesheets (CSS) & javascript files. You can also run a watcher to automatically compile the assets, whenever the files are changed. This is recommended when you're working with SASS or the javascript, you do not need to run npm run dev
again and again, you can simply run:
npm run watch
Create a duplicate file of .env.example
as .env
cp .env.example .env
Generate an application key using php artisan key:generate
this will add an application to your .env
file. When you open .env
file focus on the following part.
Make sure you change database configuration according to your credentials. Mostly, you'd need to change values for these variables:
- This is the name of database, you must change this and make sure the database name you provide exists, or would get an error.DB_USERNAME
- This is your mysql user.DB_PASSWORD
- This is your mysql password for that user.
That's pretty much it. You're done with the configuration.
To begin browsing & testing the portal you'd need to start a local development server.
php artisan serve
This will serve your website at localhost:8000
, you can now open this up in your browser.
But, wait a minute! we have not created the tables in our database, you might get error on some pages even. To create all the tables & seed your database with dummy data, run:
php artisan migrate --seed
All type of contributions are invited, if you find any bug, design issues, you can create an issue or even open a Pull request to suggest some fixes. Thank you!