I created this project for the SheCodes Responsive Add-on workshop. This project is a responsive landing page which can be accessed through any web browser: desktop or mobile.
- The single-site landing page is built with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS
- Dark and light modes are available in the app
- The responsive design re-organizes the layout the landing page to better fit smaller screens
- Hover effect on images for user interactivity
- The landing page uses video and social media embeds
- You can access the landing page in any browser with an internet connection.
- You can open the landing page in any device: mobile, tablet or desktop. Try to resize the window to see how the layout changes.
- The landing page displays information about different tea types.
- You can use the Dark mode or Light mode button in the top right corner to switch between light and dark modes.
- Hover over the images, they will enlarge for better visibility
- Click on the videos to watch the YouTube videos. Click on the Instagram icons to view the posts on Instagram.
- Visit the Landing Page here
- Further info about SheCodes
- The tea-inspiration is from Bird&Blend💙
- Photos are from Usplash
- The used fonts are from Google Fonts