At the example of jetty8 in Debian like systems:
Java runtime environment 1.8
here we are using the official jetty:9.4-jre8-slim
docker image that is provided by the jetty project on Docker hub
Requirement: Install docker and docker-compose
mkdir /opt/jetty9-docker
cd /opt/jetty9-docker
create user and group that are expected in the jetty9.4 container with the respective UID
addgroup --quiet --system jetty
adduser --quiet --system --ingroup jetty --no-create-home --disabled-password --uid 999 jetty
create a docker-compose.yaml
file with the following content:
version: "2.0"
restart: unless-stopped
image: jetty:9.4-jre8-slim
- "8080:8080"
- ./webapps:/var/lib/jetty/webapps
- ./log:/usr/local/jetty/log
- ./utis:/var/lib/jetty/utis
user: jetty
create the folders to be bound to the container
mkdir log utis webapps
copy the utis war file to the webapps folder
cp $WORKSPACE/target/eubon-utis.war webapps/eubon-utis.war
Set the permissions so that the user jetty has read and write access to these folders:
chown -R jetty:jetty log utis webapps
chmod 774 jetty:jetty log utis webapps
start the docker container
docker-compose up -d
utis controllers:
swagger api-doc REST service at:
swagger ui at:
Since version 1.3 on linux systems the logfiles are located at /var/log/utis
. Previous versions of utis put the logfiles in /var/log/jetty8
The ContextDependentInitializer
may choose to place the logs into another directory if it is not possible to write the logs into /var/log/utis
Please refer to this class for further details.
UTIS can be configuired for easier development. This encompasses two java system properties which can be specifed by passing environment variables to the jvm:
-DexcludedClients=[Client class simple names comma separated]
The client adapters identified by their simple class name will be disabled. See org.bgbm.utis.controller.UtisController
line 9ff for implementation details.
will disable the named clients "EUNIS_Client,GBIFBackboneClient,PlaziClient" which have time and cpu consuming startup phases.
This option will cause the
to completely skip the continiuous updating of the the cached data which
is otherwise fetched from the source on a periodic base:
Content Negotiation Using Spring MVC