This release just contains a bug fix regarding an error that can occur if there is an unexpected output by just importing your code, such as deprecation warnings. One of the last versions introduced a feature for checking the compatibility of your code structure, which can be affected by this. If such a thing happens, it will now just deactivate this feature, until I had the time for a more robust implementation.
Long term, I plan to make the syntax of Slurminade closer to FastAPI, using Pydantic and function annotations to communicate savely with the workers. Unfortunately, I am crazy busy and cannot predict when I will be able to do this, as it is rather a "nice to have" but things kind of work for us as they are, so there is no immediate pressure. This will go hand in hand with a better integration into AlgBench, which I also plan to move towards using more pyndatic models instead of just wild jsons.