Scooter race game mixing online/real-life experience.
The app was developed as a part of Le Wagon Bootcamp (batch #209) with my colleague Roni. It is a browser based race game for scooter owners wich combines online and real-life experience. This project has been done as proof of concept. Main trick was to collect geodata from the racers at the server and broadcast it to them back, so each can see the position of others on the map.
The initial design done in Figma, then mockup in HTML/CSS. Some graphics done in Affinitiy Designer/Photo. The promo video was show on DSLR camera, GoPro and several phones. The technology used - Ruby, Rails, ActionCable, SCSS, MapBox API, GPS geopositioning and JS.
As special 'thank you' to all the colleagues and Le Wagon who helped us with this project.
For testing purposes it is available here. Though the code is tuned for demo only :)