Decryption of ciphertexts encrypted with: Caesar, Vigenere, Transposition or General Substitution ciphers.
See the CO634-Assignment-2 assignment brief for further details: /Cryptography Assignment 2.pdf
To compile and run:
(Mac OS & Linux)
Download zip or clone the repo.
Open a command-line application and navigate to the root directory for the repo.
To compile: (do not type the
as this represents the command prompt)
$ javac -cp ".:lib/jfxrt.jar"
- To run: (do not type the
as this represents the command prompt)
$ java -cp ".:lib/jfxrt.jar" App
Download zip or clone the repo.
Open a command-line application and navigate to the root directory for the repo.
To compile: (do not type the
as this represents the command prompt)
$ javac -cp ".;lib/jfxrt.jar"
- To run: (do not type the
as this represents the command prompt)
$ java -cp ".;lib/jfxrt.jar" App