Simple Home Page
- Beautiful & Modern Design
- Responsive Design
- Scrollbar Customized
- Animations
- Carousel
- Tabs
- Vite
- React
- React Icons
- TailWindCSS
- TailWind Scrollbar
- React Multi Carousel
- RadixUI React Tabs
- Animate.css
- Portfolio Tutorial
- Responsive Navbar
- Performant Animations
- CSS Animations Tutorial
- Water CSS Animation
- Spinner Animation
This project is a space-themed web page that showcases the work you've done and the experience you've achieved. It is built with:
- Vite
- React
- React Icons
- Tailwind
- Tailwind Scrollbar
- React Multi Carousel
- RadixUI React Tabs
- Animate.css.
It is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and devices. You can also see different animations and effects. This project is a interactive way to present who you are through your portfolio.
$ npm i --location=global pnpm
- Install dependencies and Run
$ git clone
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm run dev
Background images don't show in some sections. You can see a full working version in the Demo.
Mobile | Tablet | Desktop |
Mobile Navbar
Navbar Hover
(Tiber) Abril 2023 v1.0.0
- Navbar
- Banner
- Skills
- Projects
- Contact
- Footer