Ansible Playbook example of test_app deployment
- Clone this repo
- Edit hosts and variables
- Run desired play
Ansible play run command template: ansible-playbook -i hostsfile .yml --vault-password-file ./pass
This play was writtent as an example for Ansible Python web apps deployment on wheels article by me (webster58). Play alone is useless without an app wchich is not provided at this stage, but the idea of Wheel deployment is for You to use.
TEST_APP Full Deployment:
ansible-playbook -i production_hosts test_app.yml --vault-password-file ./pass
TEST_APP Tagged Config Deployemnt:
ansible-playbook -i production_hosts test_app.yml --vault-password-file ./pass -t config
TEST_APP Different branch Deployment:
ansible-playbook -i production_hosts test_app.yml --vault-password-file ./pass --extra-vars "app_git_branch=stage"
TEST_APP Stageing Deployment:
ansible-playbook -i stage_hosts test_app.yml --vault-password-file ./pass -t app --extra-vars "app_git_branch=stage"