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Reference List Math Autocorrect Entries in MS Word 365 (Alphabetical)

Brian Richwine edited this page Oct 31, 2024 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Math AutoComplete Codes
  2. Math AutoReplace Shortcuts
  3. Math Font AutoCorrect Codes

Note: There is a version of this information organized by category: Reference List of Math Autocorrect Entries in MS Word 365 (Categorized)

Math AutoComplete Codes

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
above scripts \above U+2534 ordinary subsup upper
combining acute accent \acute U+0301 ordinary accent
first transfinite cardinal \aleph U+2135 ordinary operand
Greek cap alpha \Alpha Α U+0391 ordinary operand
Greek small alpha \alpha α U+03B1 ordinary operand
coproduct \amalg U+2210 ordinary nary
angle \angle U+2220 relational normal
anticlockwise contour integral \aoint U+2233 ordinary nary
approximately equal \approx U+2248 relational normal
upwards black arrow \asmash U+2B06 ordinary encl phantom
times \ast U+2217 binary normal
equivalent to \asymp U+224D relational normal
broken bar \atop ¦ U+00A6 ordinary divide
combining double overline \Bar U+033F ordinary accent
combining overline accent \bar U+0305 ordinary accent
because \because U+2235 relational normal
begin n-ary operand \begin U+3016 open open
below scripts \below U+252C ordinary subsup lower
second transfinite cardinal \bet U+2136 ordinary operand
Greek cap beta \Beta Β U+0392 ordinary operand
Greek small beta \beta β U+03B2 ordinary operand
second transfinite cardinal \beth U+2136 ordinary operand
intersection \bigcap U+22C2 ordinary nary
union \bigcup U+22C2 ordinary nary
circled dot operator \bigodot U+2A00 ordinary nary
circled plus operator \bigoplus U+2A01 ordinary nary
circled times operator \bigotimes U+2A02 ordinary nary
square union operator \bigsqcup U+2A06 ordinary nary
union operator with plus \biguplus U+2A04 ordinary nary
logical or \bigvee U+22C1 ordinary nary
logical and \bigwedge U+22C0 ordinary nary
up tack / false / perpendicular \bot U+22A5 relational normal
bowtie \bowtie U+22C8 relational normal
abstract box \box U+25A1 ordinary encl box
squared dot \boxdot U+22A1
squared minus \boxminus U+229F
squared plus \boxplus U+229E
left angle bracket \bra U+27E8 open open
arrow pointing downwards the curving leftwards \break U+2936
combining breve accent \breve U+0306 ordinary accent
bullet operator \bullet U+2219 binary normal
intersection \cap U+2229 binary normal
cube root \cbrt U+221B open encl root
dot operator \cdot U+22C5 binary normal
horizontally centered ellipsis \cdots U+22EF ordinary normal
combining caron accent \check U+030C ordinary accent
Greek cap chi \Chi X U+0058 ordinary operand
Greek small chi \chi χ U+03C7 ordinary operand
composed with \circ U+2218 binary normal
close delimiter without matching open \close U+2524 ordinary close
black club suit \clubsuit U+2663 ordinary normal
clockwise contour integral \coint U+2232 ordinary nary
approximately equal to \cong U+2245 relational normal
N-ary coproduct \coprod U+2210
union \cup U+222A binary normal
fourth transfinite cardinal \dalet U+2138
fourth transfinite cardinal \daleth U+2138 ordinary operand
does not yield \dashv U+22A3 relational stretch horz
double-struck italic cap d \Dd U+2145 differential operand
double-struck italic small d \dd U+2146 differential operand
combining four dots above accent \ddddot U+20DC ordinary accent
combining three dots above accent \dddot U+20DB ordinary accent
combining two dots above accent \ddot U+0308 ordinary accent
diagonal ellipsis \ddots U+22F1 relational normal
equal to by definition \defeq U+225D
degrees celcius \degc U+2103
degrees fahrenheit \degf U+2109
degree sign \degree ° U+00B0 ordinary operand
Greek cap delta \Delta Δ U+0394 ordinary operand
Greek small delta \delta δ U+03B4 ordinary operand
delta equal to \Deltaeq U+225C
diamond operator \diamond U+22C4 binary normal
white diamond suit \diamondsuit U+2662 ordinary normal
division sign \div ÷ U+00F7 binary normal
combining dot above accent \dot U+0307 ordinary accent
approaches the limit \doteq U+2250 relational normal
horizontal ellipsis \dots U+2026 ordinary normal
downwards arrow \downarrow U+2193 relational normal
downwards double arrow \Downarrow U+21D3 relational normal
downwards black arrow \dsmash U+2B07 ordinary encl phantom
double-struck italic small e \ee U+2147 ordinary operand
script small l \ell U+2113 ordinary operand
empty set \emptyset U+2205 unary operand
em space (18/18 em) \emsp U+2003 skip normal
end n-ary operand \end U+3017 close close
en space (9/18 em) \ensp U+2002 skip normal
Greek cap epsilon \Epsilon Ε U+0395 ordinary operand
Greek lunate epsilon \epsilon ϵ U+03F5 ordinary operand
black square \eqarray U+2588 ordinary encl eqarray
number sign \eqno # U+0023 ordinary marker
identical to \equiv U+2261 relational normal
Greek cap eta \Eta Η U+0397 ordinary operand
Greek small eta \eta η U+03B7 ordinary operand
there exists \exists U+2203 unary normal
for all \forall U+2200 unary normal
square lozenge \frown U+2311
function application \funcapply U+2061 binary subsupFA
Greek cap Gamma \G Γ U+0393 ordinary operand
Greek cap Gamma \Gamma Γ U+0393 ordinary operand
Greek small gamma \gamma γ U+03B3 ordinary operand
greater than or equal \ge U+2265 relational normal
greater than or equal \geq U+2265 relational normal
leftwards arrow \gets U+2190 ordinary stretch horiz
much greater than \gg U+226B relational normal
third transfinite cardinal (Gimel symbol) \gimel U+2137 ordinary operand
combining grave accent \grave U+0300 ordinary accent
hair space (1/18 em) \hairsp U+200A skip normal
combining circumflex accent \hat U+0302 ordinary accent
Planck constant over two Pi \hbar U+210F ordinary operand
white heart suit \heartsuit U+2661 ordinary normal
leftwards arrow with hook \hookleftarrow U+21A9 relational stretch horiz
rightwards arrow with hook \hookrightarrow U+21AA relational stretch horiz
left right white arrow \hphantom U+2B04 ordinary encl phantom
left right black arrow \hsmash U+2B0C ordinary encl phantom
combining right harpoon above accent \hvec U+20D1 ordinary accent
double-struck italic small i \ii U+2148 ordinary operand
quadruple integral operator \iiiint U+2A0C ordinary nary
triple integral \iiint U+222D ordinary nary
double integral \iint U+222C ordinary nary
black-letter capital i \Im U+2111 ordinary operand
Latin small dotless i \imath ı U+0131 ordinary operand
element of \in U+2208 relational normal
increment \inc U+2206 unary operand
infinity \infty U+221E ordinary operand
integral \int U+222B ordinary nary
Greek cap iota \Iota Ι U+0399 ordinary operand
Greek small iota \iota ι U+03B9 ordinary operand
invisible times \itimes U+2062
double-struck italic small j \jj U+2149 ordinary operand
Latin small dotless j \jmath ȷ U+0237 ordinary operand
Greek cap kappa \Kappa Κ U+039A ordinary operand
Greek small kappa \kappa κ U+03BA ordinary operand
right angle bracket \ket U+27E9 close close
Greek cap lambda \Lambda Λ U+039B ordinary operand
Greek small lambda \lambda λ U+03BB ordinary operand
left angle bracket \langle U+27E8 open open
left curly bracket \lbrace { U+007B open open
left square bracket \lbrack [ U+005B open open
left ceiling \lceil U+2308 open open
division slash \ldiv U+2215 binary divide
division slash \ldivide U+2215
low horizonatal ellipsis \ldots U+2026 ordinary normal
less than or equal \le U+2264 relational normal
open delimiter without matching close \left U+251C
leftwards arrow \leftarrow U+2190 relational stretch horiz
leftwards double arrow \Leftarrow U+21D0 relational stretch horiz
left harpoon down \leftharpoondown U+21BD relational stretch horiz
left harpoon up \leftharpoonup U+21BC relational stretch horiz
left right arrow \leftrightarrow U+2194 relational stretch horiz
left right double arrow \Leftrightarrow U+21D4 relational stretch horiz
less than or equal \leq U+2264 relational normal
left floor \lfloor U+230A open open
combining left harpoon up above accent \lhvec U+20D0
much less than \ll U+226A relational normal
upper left or lower right curly bracket section \lmoust U+23B0
long leftwards arrow \longleftarrow U+27F5 relational normal
long leftwards double arrow \Longleftarrow U+27F8 relational normal
long left right arrow \longleftrightarrow U+27F7 relational normal
long left right double arrow \Longleftrightarrow U+27FA relational normal
long rightwards arrow \longrightarrow U+27F6 relational normal
long rightwards double arrow \Longrightarrow U+27F9 relational normal
left harpoon over right harpoon \lrhar U+21CB
combining left arrow above accent \lvec U+20D6
rightwards arrow from bar \mapsto U+21A6 relational stretch horiz
black square \matrix U+25A0 ordinary encl matrix
medium space (4/18 em) \medsp U+205F ordinary normal
divides \mid U+2223 relational list delims
treat following as separator \middle U+24DC
true \models U+22A8 relational stretch horz
minus or plus sign \mp U+2213 unary/binary unary/binary
Greek cap mu \Mu Μ U+039C ordinary operand
Greek small mu \mu μ U+03BC ordinary operand
nabla (gradient) \nabla U+2207 unary operand
block character medium shade \naryand U+2592 ordinary normal
non-breaking space \nbsp U+00A0 skip normal
circled slash \ndiv U+2298 binary divide
not equal \ne U+2260 relational normal
north east arrow \nearrow U+2197 relational normal
not \neg ¬ U+00AC unary normal
not equal \neq U+2260 relational normal
contains the member \ni U+220B relational normal
double vertical line \norm U+2016 ordinary open/close
does not contain as member \notcontain U+220C relational normal
not an element of \notelement U+2209 relational normal
not an element of \notin U+2209 relational normal
Greek cap nu \Nu Ν U+039D ordinary operand
Greek small nu \nu ν U+03BD ordinary operand
north west arrow \nwarrow U+2196 relational normal
Greek small omicron \o ο U+03BF ordinary operand
circled dot operator \odot U+2299 binary normal
"function of, root of" \of U+2592 ordinary normal
volume integral \oiiint U+2230 ordinary nary
surface integral \oiint U+222F ordinary nary
contour integral \oint U+222E ordinary nary
Greek cap omega \Omega Ω U+03A9 ordinary operand
Greek small omega \omega ω U+03C9 ordinary operand
circled minus \ominus U+2296 binary normal
open delimiter without matching close \open U+251C ordinary open
circled plus \oplus U+2295 binary normal
circled slash \oslash U+2298 binary normal
circled times \otimes U+2297 binary normal
forward slash (Solidus) \over / U+002F binarynsp divide
overbar \overbar ¯ U+00AF ordinary encl overbar
top brace \overbrace U+23DE ordinary stretch over
top square bracket \overbracket U+23B4
overbar \overline ¯ U+00AF
top paren \overparen U+23DC ordinary stretch over
top tortise shell bracket \overshell U+23E0
parallel to \parallel U+2225 relational normal
partial derivative \partial U+2202 unary operand
up tack / false / perpendicular \perp U+22A5
white concave sided diamond \phantom U+27E1 ordinary encl phantom
Greek cap phi \Phi Φ U+03A6 ordinary operand
Greek small phi \phi ϕ U+03D5 ordinary operand
Greek cap pi \Pi Π U+03A0 ordinary operand
Greek small pi \pi π U+03C0 ordinary operand
plus minus sign \pm ± U+00B1 unary/binary unary/binary
matrix in parentheses \pmatrix U+24A8
quadruple prime \pppprime U+2057 ordinary Unisubsup
triple prime \ppprime U+2034 ordinary Unisubsup
double prime \pprime U+2033 ordinary Unisubsup
precedes or is equal to \prcue U+227C relational normal
precedes \prec U+227A relational normal
precedes or is equal to \preccurlyeq U+227C relational normal
precedes above single line equals sign \preceq U+2AAF relational normal
prime \prime U+2032 ordinary Unisubsup
product \prod U+220F ordinary nary
proportional to \propto U+221D relational normal
Greek cap psi \Psi Ψ U+03A8 ordinary operand
Greek small psi \psi ψ U+03C8 ordinary operand
fourth root \qdrt U+221C open encl root
right angle bracket \rangle U+27E9 close close
right double angle bracket \Rangle U+27EB close close
ratio \ratio U+2236 relational normal
right curly bracket \rbrace } U+007D close close
right double bracket \Rbrack U+27E7 close close
right square bracket \rbrack ] U+005D close close
right ceiling \rceil U+2309 close close
upwards diagonal ellipsis \rddots U+22F0 relational normal
black-letter capital r \Re U+211C ordinary operand
enclose expression (box) \rect U+25AD ordinary encl rect
right floor \rfloor U+230B close close
Greek cap rho \Rho Ρ U+03A1 ordinary operand
Greek small rho \rho ρ U+03C1 ordinary operand
combining right harpoon above accent \rhvec U+20D1
close delimiter without matching open \right U+2524
rightwards arrow \rightarrow U+2192 relational stretch horiz
rightwards double arrow \Rightarrow U+21D2 relational stretch horiz
right harpoon down \rightharpoondown U+21C1 relational stretch horiz
right harpoon up \rightharpoonup U+21C0 relational stretch horiz
upper right or lower left curly bracket section \rmoust U+23B1
root (use with \of) \root U+24AD
white square with rounded corners \rrect U+25A2 ordinary encl rnd rect
divided by \sdiv U+2044 binarynsp divide
divided by \sdivide U+2044
south west arrow \searrow U+2198 relational normal
set minus \setminus U+2216 binary normal
Greek cap sigma \Sigma Σ U+03A3 ordinary operand
Greek sigma \sigma σ U+03C3 ordinary operand
varies with \sim U+223C relational normal
asymptotically equal to \simeq U+2243 relational normal
up down black arrow \smash U+2B0D ordinary encl phantom
black spade suit \spadesuit U+2660 ordinary normal
square cap \sqcap U+2293 binary normal
square cup \sqcup U+2294 binary normal
square root \sqrt U+221A open encl root
square image of or equal to \sqsubseteq U+2291 relational normal
square original of or equal to \sqsuperseteq U+2292 relational normal
star operator \star U+22C6 binary normal
subset of \subset U+2282 relational normal
subset of or equal to \subseteq U+2286 relational normal
succeeds \succ U+227B relational normal
succeeds or is equal to \succeq U+227D relational normal
N-ary summation \sum U+2211 ordinary nary
superset of \superset U+2283 relational normal
superset of or equal to \superseteq U+2287 relational normal
south west arrow \swarrow U+2199 relational normal
Greek cap tau \Tau Τ U+03A4 ordinary operand
Greek small tau \tau τ U+03C4 ordinary operand
therefore \therefore U+2234 relational normal
Greek cap theta \Theta Θ U+0398 ordinary operand
Greek small theta \theta θ U+03B8 ordinary operand
four-per-em space (5/18 em) \thicksp U+2005 skip normal
six-per-em space (3/18 em) \thinsp U+2006 skip normal
combining tilde accent \tilde U+0303 ordinary accent
multiplication sign \times × U+00D7 binarynsp normal
rightwards arrow \to U+2192 relational stretch horiz
top (down tack) \top U+22A4 relational normal
combining left-right arrow above accent \tvec U+20E1 ordinary accent
combining double low line \Ubar ̳ U+0333
combining low line \ubar ̲ U+0332
lower one eighth block \underbar U+2581 ordinary encl un-derbar
bottom brace \underbrace U+23DF ordinary stretch under
white parallelogram \underline U+25B1
bottom paren \underparen U+23DD ordinary stretch under
upwards arrow \uparrow U+2191 relational normal
upwards double arrow \Uparrow U+21D1 relational normal
up down arrow \updownarrow U+2195 relational normal
up down double arrow \Updownarrow U+21D5 relational normal
multiset union \uplus U+228E binary normal
Greek cap upsilon \Upsilon Υ U+03A5 ordinary operand
Greek small upsilon \upsilon υ U+03C5 ordinary operand
Greek small epsilon (varient) \varepsilon ε U+03B5 ordinary operand
Greek small phi (varient) \varphi φ U+03C6 ordinary operand
Greek pi (varient) \varpi ϖ U+03D6 ordinary operand
Greek rho (varient) \varrho ϱ U+03F1 ordinary operand
Greek small final sigma (varient) \varsigma ς U+03C2 ordinary operand
Greek theta (varient) \vartheta ϑ U+03D1 ordinary operand
Box drawing: light vertical \vbar U+2502 ordinary list delims
proves \vdash U+22A2 relational stretch horz
vertical ellipsis \vdots U+22EE relational normal
combining right arrow above accent \vec U+20D7 ordinary accent
logical or \vee U+2228 binary normal
double vertical line \Vert U+2016 ordinary open/close
vetical line \vert U+007C ordinary
matrix in double vertical lines \Vmatrix U+24A9
up down white arrow \vphantom U+21F3 relational encl phantom
three-per-em space (6/18 em) \vthicksp U+2004 skip normal
logical and \wedge U+2227 binary normal
script cap p \wp U+2118 ordinary operand
wreath product \wr U+2240 binary normal
Greek cap xi \Xi Ξ U+039E ordinary operand
Greek small xi \xi ξ U+03BE ordinary operand
Greek small zeta \zeta ζ U+03B6 ordinary operand
zero width non-joiner \zwnj U+200C ordinary normal
zero width space (0 em) \zwsp U+200B ordinary normal

Math AutoReplace Shortcuts

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
minus plus sign -+ U+2213 unary/binary replacement
rightwards arrow -> U+2192 relational replacement
proportion :: U+2237 relational replacement
colon equals := U+2254 relational replacement
double exclamation mark !! U+203C replacement
horizontal ellipsis ... U+2026 replacement
plus minus sign +- ± U+00B1 replacement
much less than << U+226A relational replacement
less than or equal <= U+2264 relational replacement
greater than or equal >= U+2265 relational replacement
much greater than >> U+226B relational replacement
approximately equal to ~= U+2245 relational replacement

Math Fonts AutoCorrect Codes

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
double script cap a \doubleA 𝔸 U+1D538
double script small a \doublea 𝕒 U+1D552
double script cap b \doubleB 𝔹 U+1D539
double script small b \doubleb 𝕓 U+1D553
double script cap c \doublec 𝕔 U+1D554
double script small c \doubleC U+2102
double script cap d \doubleD 𝔻 U+1D53B
double script small d \doubled 𝕕 U+1D555
double script cap e \doubleE 𝔼 U+1D53C
double script small e \doublee 𝕖 U+1D556
double script cap f \doubleF 𝔽 U+1D53D
double script small f \doublef 𝕗 U+1D557
double script cap g \doubleG 𝔾 U+1D53E
double script small g \doubleg 𝕘 U+1D558
double script cap h \doubleh 𝕙 U+1D559
double script small h \doubleH U+210D
double script cap i \doubleI 𝕀 U+1D540
double script small i \doublei 𝕚 U+1D55A
double script cap j \doubleJ 𝕁 U+1D541
double script small j \doublej 𝕛 U+1D55B
double script cap k \doubleK 𝕂 U+1D542
double script small k \doublek 𝕜 U+1D55C
double script cap l \doubleL 𝕃 U+1D543
double script small l \doublel 𝕝 U+1D55D
double script cap m \doubleM 𝕄 U+1D544
double script small m \doublem 𝕞 U+1D55E
double script cap n \doublen 𝕟 U+1D55F
double script small n \doubleN U+2115
double script cap o \doubleO 𝕆 U+1D546
double script small o \doubleo 𝕠 U+1D560
double script cap p \doublep 𝕡 U+1D561
double script small p \doubleP U+2119
double script cap q \doubleq 𝕢 U+1D562
double script small q \doubleQ U+211A
double script cap r \doubler 𝕣 U+1D563
double script small r \doubleR U+211D
double script cap s \doubleS 𝕊 U+1D54A
double script small s \doubles 𝕤 U+1D564
double script cap t \doubleT 𝕋 U+1D54B
double script small t \doublet 𝕥 U+1D565
double script cap u \doubleU 𝕌 U+1D54C
double script small u \doubleu 𝕦 U+1D566
double script cap v \doubleV 𝕍 U+1D54D
double script small v \doublev 𝕧 U+1D567
double script cap w \doubleW 𝕎 U+1D54E
double script small w \doublew 𝕨 U+1D568
double script cap x \doubleX 𝕏 U+1D54F
double script small x \doublex 𝕩 U+1D569
double script cap y \doubleY 𝕐 U+1D550
double script small y \doubley 𝕪 U+1D56A
double script cap z \doublez 𝕫 U+1D56B
double script small z \doubleZ U+2124
bold Fraktur cap a \frakturA 𝔄 U+1D51E
bold Fraktur small a \fraktura 𝔞 U+1D538
bold Fraktur cap b \frakturB 𝔅 U+1D51F
bold Fraktur small b \frakturb 𝔟 U+1D539
bold Fraktur small c \frakturc 𝔠 U+1D53A
bold Fraktur cap c \frakturC U+8493
bold Fraktur cap d \frakturD 𝔇 U+1D521
bold Fraktur small d \frakturd 𝔡 U+1D53B
bold Fraktur cap e \frakturE 𝔈 U+1D522
bold Fraktur small e \frakture 𝔢 U+1D53C
bold Fraktur cap f \frakturF 𝔉 U+1D523
bold Fraktur small f \frakturf 𝔣 U+1D53D
bold Fraktur cap g \frakturG 𝔊 U+1D524
bold Fraktur small g \frakturg 𝔤 U+1D53E
bold Fraktur small h \frakturh 𝔥 U+1D53F
bold Fraktur cap h \frakturH U+8460
bold Fraktur small i \frakturi 𝔦 U+1D540
bold Fraktur cap i \frakturI U+8465
bold Fraktur cap j \frakturJ 𝔍 U+1D527
bold Fraktur small j \frakturj 𝔧 U+1D541
bold Fraktur cap k \frakturK 𝔎 U+1D528
bold Fraktur small k \frakturk 𝔨 U+1D542
bold Fraktur cap l \frakturL 𝔏 U+1D529
bold Fraktur small l \frakturl 𝔩 U+1D543
bold Fraktur cap m \frakturM 𝔐 U+1D52A
bold Fraktur small m \frakturm 𝔪 U+1D544
bold Fraktur cap n \frakturN 𝔑 U+1D52B
bold Fraktur small n \frakturn 𝔫 U+1D545
bold Fraktur cap o \frakturO 𝔒 U+1D52C
bold Fraktur small o \frakturo 𝔬 U+1D546
bold Fraktur cap p \frakturP 𝔓 U+1D52D
bold Fraktur small p \frakturp 𝔭 U+1D547
bold Fraktur cap q \frakturQ 𝔔 U+1D52E
bold Fraktur small q \frakturq 𝔮 U+1D548
bold Fraktur small r \frakturr 𝔯 U+1D549
bold Fraktur cap r \frakturR U+8465
bold Fraktur cap s \frakturS 𝔖 U+1D530
bold Fraktur small s \frakturs 𝔰 U+1D54A
bold Fraktur cap t \frakturT 𝔗 U+1D531
bold Fraktur small t \frakturt 𝔱 U+1D54B
bold Fraktur cap u \frakturU 𝔘 U+1D532
bold Fraktur small u \frakturu 𝔲 U+1D54C
bold Fraktur cap v \frakturV 𝔙 U+1D533
bold Fraktur small v \frakturv 𝔳 U+1D54D
bold Fraktur cap w \frakturW 𝔚 U+1D534
bold Fraktur small w \frakturw 𝔴 U+1D54E
bold Fraktur cap x \frakturX 𝔛 U+1D535
bold Fraktur small x \frakturx 𝔵 U+1D54F
bold Fraktur cap y \frakturY 𝔜 U+1D536
bold Fraktur small y \fraktury 𝔶 U+1D550
bold Fraktur cap z \frakturZ U+1D537
bold Fraktur small z \frakturz 𝔷 U+1D551
script cap a \scriptA 𝒜 U+1D49C
script small a \scripta 𝒶 U+1D4B6
script cap b \scriptb 𝒷 U+1D4B7
script small b \scriptB U+212C
script cap c \scriptC 𝒞 U+1D49E
script small c \scriptc 𝒸 U+1D4B8
script cap d \scriptD 𝒟 U+1D49F
script small d \scriptd 𝒹 U+1D4B9
script cap e \scripte U+212F
script small e \scriptE U+2130
script cap f \scriptf 𝒻 U+1D4BB
script small f \scriptF U+2131
script cap g \scriptG 𝒢 U+1D4A2
script small g \scriptg U+210A
script cap h \scripth 𝒽 U+1D4BD
script small h \scriptH U+210B
script cap i \scripti 𝒾 U+1D4BE
script small i \scriptI U+2110
script cap j \scriptJ 𝒥 U+1D4A5
script small j \scriptj 𝒿 U+1D4BF
script cap k \scriptK 𝒦 U+1D4A6
script small k \scriptk 𝓀 U+1D4C0
script cap l \scriptL U+1D4A7
script small l \scriptl 𝓁 U+1D4C1
script cap m \scriptM U+1D4A8
script small m \scriptm 𝓂 U+1D4C2
script cap n \scriptN 𝒩 U+1D4A9
script small n \scriptn 𝓃 U+1D4C3
script cap o \scriptO 𝒪 U+1D4AA
script small o \scripto U+2134
script cap p \scriptP 𝒫 U+1D4AB
script small p \scriptp 𝓅 U+1D4C5
script cap q \scriptQ 𝒬 U+1D4AC
script small q \scriptq 𝓆 U+1D4C6
script cap r \scriptr 𝓇 U+1D4C7
script small r \scriptR U+211B
script cap s \scriptS 𝒮 U+1D4AE
script small s \scripts 𝓈 U+1D4C8
script cap t \scriptT 𝒯 U+1D4AF
script small t \scriptt 𝓉 U+1D4C9
script cap u \scriptU 𝒰 U+1D4B0
script small u \scriptu 𝓊 U+1D4CA
script cap v \scriptV 𝒱 U+1D4B1
script small v \scriptv 𝓋 U+1D4CB
script cap w \scriptW 𝒲 U+1D4B2
script small w \scriptw 𝓌 U+1D4CC
script cap x \scriptX 𝒳 U+1D4B3
script small x \scriptx 𝓍 U+1D4CD
script cap y \scriptY 𝒴 U+1D4B4
script small y \scripty 𝓎 U+1D4CE
script cap z \scriptZ 𝒵 U+1D4B5
script small z \scriptz 𝓏 U+1D4CF