It's a react.js table for bootstrap, named reactbsTable. It's a configurable, functional table component and make you build a Bootstrap Table more efficiency and easy in your React application, However react-bootstrap-table
support these features:
- column align
- column hidden
- scrolling table
- data sort
- cell format
- pagination
- row selection
- column filter
- cell edit with multi type editor
- Insert & Delete Row
- row and column style customize
- Search
You can see more about this component on here. and example is on here.
dependencies on react 0.14.x and Bootstrap 3 written by ES6 and use gulp and browserify for building and bundling.
You can use the following commands to prepare development
$ git clone
$ cd react-bootstrap-table
$ npm install
Use gulp to build the react-bootstrap-table
$ gulp dev #for development
$ gulp example-server #see all examples, go to localhost:3004
$ gulp prod #for production
npm install react-bootstrap-table --save
Use react-bootstrap-table in your react app, you should import this component as first. About importing this component, there'r two way in the following you can choose:
import {BootstrapTable, TableHeaderColumn} from 'react-bootstrap-table'; // in ECMAScript 6
// or in ECMAScript 5
var ReactBSTable = require("react-bootstrap-table");
var BootstrapTable = ReactBSTable.BootstrapTable;
var TableHeaderColumn = ReactBSTable.TableHeaderColumn;
<script src="path/to/react-bootstrap-table/dist/react-bootstrap-table.min.js" />
var ReactBsTable = window.BootstrapTable;
Finally, you need to import the css file to your app, there are two css file you can choose.
include toastr.react-bootstrap-table.min.css
doesn't include toastr.
Notes: react-bootstrap-table use toastr to alarm some message to user.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/react-bootstrap-table-all.min.css">
CSS files you can find in the css folder.
// products will be presented by react-bootstrap-table
var products = [{
id: 1,
name: "Item name 1",
price: 100
id: 2,
name: "Item name 2",
price: 100
// It's a data format example.
function priceFormatter(cell, row){
return '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-usd"></i> ' + cell;
<BootstrapTable data={products} striped={true} hover={true}>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField="id" isKey={true} dataAlign="center" dataSort={true}>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField="name" dataSort={true}>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField="price" dataFormat={priceFormatter}>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>
$ git clone
$ cd react-bootstrap-table
$ npm install
$ gulp example-server #after start, open browser and go to http://localhost:3004
You can reference here on web site
Attr | Type | Description |
data | Array | Assign the data you want to display on table. |
height | String | Set the height of table, default is 100%. |
bordered | Bool | Default is true, if false, become a borderless table |
striped | Bool | Same as Bootstrap table class .table-striped , default is false. |
hover | Bool | Same as Bootstrap table class .table-hover , default is false. |
condensed | Bool | Same as Bootstrap table class .table-condensed , default is false. |
columnFilter | Bool | Set true to enable the column filter on table. |
pagination | Bool | Set true to enable pagination on table . |
insertRow | Bool | Set true to enable row insertion on table. |
deleteRow | Bool | Set true to enable row deletion on table. |
search | Bool | Set true to enable search function on table. |
multiColumnSearch | Bool | Set true to enable words search on multiple column function on table from a search box. |
searchPlaceholder | String | The place holder on search text fields |
keyField | String | Same as isKey in <TableHeaderColumn> |
trClassName | String or Function | Assign the row(tr) class, accept string or function, if use function, will pass rowData and rowIndex params and should return string presented class. for examples:function trClassFormat(rowData,rowIndex){ return rowIndex%2==0?"tr-odd":"tr-even"; } |
selectRow | Object | Assign an object which have these properties as follow:mode (required): radio/checkbox, to specify the selection is single or multiple.clickToSelect (optional): if true, click on row will trigger row selection, default is false.clickToSelectAndEditCell (optional): if true, click the row will trigger selection on that row, and also trigger cell editing if you enabled cell edit.bgColor (optional): You can assign background color if row be selected.selected (optional): it's for default selected row on table, give an array object which contain selected row keys.onSelect (optional): accept a callback function, if a row be selected, this function will be called and pass the row and isSelected as params.onSelectAll (optional): accept a callback function, if select all in checkbox mode, this function will be called and pass isSelected and currentSelectedAndDisplayData as params.hideSelectColumn (optional): if true, the radio/checkbox column will be hidden, if you enable clickToSelect. |
cellEdit | Object | Use cellEdit and assign an object to enable cell edit on table, this object contain these properties:mode (required): click/dbclick, to spectify which condition will trigger cell editing.blurToSave (optional): if true, when mouse blur on input field will trigger a save on cell, default is false.afterSaveCell (optional): accept a callback function, after save cell, this function will be called and pass row , cellName and cellValue as params. |
options | Object | For some options setting on react-bootstrap-table, you can set the options attribute and give an object which contain the following propertiessortName : Assign a default sort field by this propertysortOrder (asc/desc): Assign a default sort orderafterTableComplete : Assign a callback function which will be called after table updateafterDeleteRow : Assign a callback function which will be called after row deleteafterInsertRow : Assign a callback function which will be called after row insertpage : accept a number, which means the page you want to show as defaultsizePerPageList : you can change the dropdown list for size per page, accept an array object.sizePerPage : means size per page you want to locate as default, accept a number.paginationSize : define the pagination bar size, accept a number.onPageChange : Assign a callback function which will be called after page changed and pass the page and sizePerPage as params.onSortChange : Assigna a callback function which will be called after trigger sorting and pass the sortName`` and sortOrder``` as params. |
Attr | Type | Description |
isKey | Bool | To specify which column is unique, it's required. |
width | String | Set the column width, ex: 70%, 150px. |
dataField | String | Means which field of data you want to show on column. |
dataAlign | String | Set align in column, value is left, center, right, start and end. |
dataSort | Bool | True to enable table sorting. |
dataFormat | Function | To customize the column. Must give it as a function and pass cell , row as params. This function should return a String or a React Component |
hidden | Bool | True to hide column. |
className | String or Function | Add custom css class on table header column, this attribute accept String or Function. If Function, will pass following data as parameters: cellData ,rowData ,rowIndex ,columnIndex . And this function should return a String which means the class you want to add. |
columnClassName | String or Function | Add custom css class for table body column, this attribute accept string or function. If Function, will pass following data as parameters: fieldValue ,row ,rowIdx ,colIdx . And this function should return a String which means the class you want to add. |
editable | Bool or Object | True to set column editable, false is non-editable. If give Object, you can get more customization when editing cell, which object contain these properties: { type: //edit type, avaiable value is textarea, select, checkbox validator: //give function for validation and pass cell value as param. This function should return Bool. options:{ values: //values means data in select or checkbox //if checkbox, use : to separate value, ex: Y:N } } |
sortFunc | Function | Give a customize function for data sorting |
After v0.8.0, react-bootstrap-table provide the ability of updating table data on fly. How to do it?
- Import TableDataSet
var ReactBsTable = require('react-bootstrap-table');
var TableDataSet = ReactBsTable.TableDataSet; //import TableDataSet
- Create a TableDataSet object with you data.
var dataSet = new TableDataSet(products);
- Pass this object to data
<BootstrapTable data={dataSet}>
- If you want to reset or update table data in any time, you can:
- Testing
- Nested data
- CSS tunning