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It's a react.js table for bootstrap, named reactbsTable. It's a configurable, functional table component and make you build a Bootstrap Table more efficiency and easy in your React application, However react-bootstrap-table support these features:

  • column align
  • column hidden
  • scrolling table
  • data sort
  • cell format
  • pagination
  • row selection
  • column filter
  • cell edit with multi type editor
  • Insert & Delete Row
  • row and column style customize
  • Search

You can see more about this component on here. and example is on here.


react-bootstrap-table dependencies on react 0.14.x and Bootstrap 3 written by ES6 and use gulp and browserify for building and bundling.

You can use the following commands to prepare development

$ git clone
$ cd react-bootstrap-table
$ npm install

Use gulp to build the react-bootstrap-table

$ gulp dev  #for development
$ gulp example-server #see all examples, go to localhost:3004
$ gulp prod #for production



npm install react-bootstrap-table --save

Import Module

Use react-bootstrap-table in your react app, you should import this component as first. About importing this component, there'r two way in the following you can choose:

import {BootstrapTable, TableHeaderColumn} from 'react-bootstrap-table';  // in ECMAScript 6
// or in ECMAScript 5
var ReactBSTable = require("react-bootstrap-table");  
var BootstrapTable = ReactBSTable.BootstrapTable;
var TableHeaderColumn = ReactBSTable.TableHeaderColumn;
Browser global(window object)
<script src="path/to/react-bootstrap-table/dist/react-bootstrap-table.min.js" />
  var ReactBsTable = window.BootstrapTable;

Import CSS

Finally, you need to import the css file to your app, there are two css file you can choose.
react-bootstrap-table-all.min.css include toastr.
react-bootstrap-table.min.css doesn't include toastr.
Notes: react-bootstrap-table use toastr to alarm some message to user.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/react-bootstrap-table-all.min.css">

CSS files you can find in the css folder.

Quick Demo

// products will be presented by react-bootstrap-table
var products = [{
      id: 1,
      name: "Item name 1",
      price: 100
      id: 2,
      name: "Item name 2",
      price: 100
// It's a data format example.
function priceFormatter(cell, row){
  return '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-usd"></i> ' + cell;

  <BootstrapTable data={products} striped={true} hover={true}>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField="id" isKey={true} dataAlign="center" dataSort={true}>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField="name" dataSort={true}>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
      <TableHeaderColumn dataField="price" dataFormat={priceFormatter}>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>

See react-bootstrap-table examples

$ git clone
$ cd react-bootstrap-table
$ npm install
$ gulp example-server #after start, open browser and go to http://localhost:3004


You can reference here on web site

The attributes on <BootstrapTable>:

Attr Type Description
data Array Assign the data you want to display on table.
height String Set the height of table, default is 100%.
bordered Bool Default is true, if false, become a borderless table
striped Bool Same as Bootstrap table class .table-striped, default is false.
hover Bool Same as Bootstrap table class .table-hover, default is false.
condensed Bool Same as Bootstrap table class .table-condensed, default is false.
columnFilter Bool Set true to enable the column filter on table.
pagination Bool Set true to enable pagination on table .
insertRow Bool Set true to enable row insertion on table.
deleteRow Bool Set true to enable row deletion on table.
search Bool Set true to enable search function on table.
multiColumnSearch Bool Set true to enable words search on multiple column function on table from a search box.
searchPlaceholder String The place holder on search text fields
keyField String Same as isKey in <TableHeaderColumn>
trClassName String or Function Assign the row(tr) class, accept string or function, if use function, will pass rowData and rowIndex params and should return string presented class. for examples:
function trClassFormat(rowData,rowIndex){
   return rowIndex%2==0?"tr-odd":"tr-even";
selectRow Object Assign an object which have these properties as follow:
mode(required): radio/checkbox, to specify the selection is single or multiple.
clickToSelect(optional): if true, click on row will trigger row selection, default is false.
clickToSelectAndEditCell(optional): if true, click the row will trigger selection on that row, and also trigger cell editing if you enabled cell edit.
bgColor(optional): You can assign background color if row be selected.
selected(optional): it's for default selected row on table, give an array object which contain selected row keys.
onSelect(optional): accept a callback function, if a row be selected, this function will be called and pass the row and isSelected as params.
onSelectAll(optional): accept a callback function, if select all in checkbox mode, this function will be called and pass isSelected and currentSelectedAndDisplayData as params.
hideSelectColumn(optional): if true, the radio/checkbox column will be hidden, if you enable clickToSelect.
cellEdit Object Use cellEdit and assign an object to enable cell edit on table, this object contain these properties:
mode(required): click/dbclick, to spectify which condition will trigger cell editing.
blurToSave(optional): if true, when mouse blur on input field will trigger a save on cell, default is false.
afterSaveCell(optional): accept a callback function, after save cell, this function will be called and pass row, cellName and cellValue as params.
options Object For some options setting on react-bootstrap-table, you can set the options attribute and give an object which contain the following properties
sortName: Assign a default sort field by this property
sortOrder(asc/desc): Assign a default sort order
afterTableComplete: Assign a callback function which will be called after table update
afterDeleteRow: Assign a callback function which will be called after row delete
afterInsertRow: Assign a callback function which will be called after row insert
page: accept a number, which means the page you want to show as default
sizePerPageList: you can change the dropdown list for size per page, accept an array object.
sizePerPage: means size per page you want to locate as default, accept a number.
paginationSize: define the pagination bar size, accept a number.
onPageChange: Assign a callback function which will be called after page changed and pass the page and sizePerPage as params.
onSortChange: Assigna a callback function which will be called after trigger sorting and pass the sortName`` and sortOrder``` as params.

The attributes in <TableHeaderColumn>:

Attr Type Description
isKey Bool To specify which column is unique, it's required.
width String Set the column width, ex: 70%, 150px.
dataField String Means which field of data you want to show on column.
dataAlign String Set align in column, value is left, center, right, start and end.
dataSort Bool True to enable table sorting.
dataFormat Function To customize the column. Must give it as a function and pass cell, row as params. This function should return a String or a React Component
hidden Bool True to hide column.
className String or Function Add custom css class on table header column, this attribute accept String or Function. If Function, will pass following data as parameters: cellData,rowData,rowIndex,columnIndex. And this function should return a String which means the class you want to add.
columnClassName String or Function Add custom css class for table body column, this attribute accept string or function. If Function, will pass following data as parameters: fieldValue,row,rowIdx,colIdx. And this function should return a String which means the class you want to add.
editable Bool or Object True to set column editable, false is non-editable. If give Object, you can get more customization when editing cell, which object contain these properties:
  type: //edit type, avaiable value is textarea, select, checkbox
  validator: //give function for validation and pass cell value as param. This function should return Bool.
    //values means data in select or checkbox
    //if checkbox, use : to separate value, ex: Y:N
sortFunc Function Give a customize function for data sorting

About TableDataSet

After v0.8.0, react-bootstrap-table provide the ability of updating table data on fly. How to do it?

  • Import TableDataSet
var ReactBsTable  = require('react-bootstrap-table');
var TableDataSet = ReactBsTable.TableDataSet; //import TableDataSet
  • Create a TableDataSet object with you data.
var dataSet = new TableDataSet(products);
  • Pass this object to data
<BootstrapTable data={dataSet}>
  • If you want to reset or update table data in any time, you can:

Todo List

  1. Testing
  2. Nested data
  3. CSS tunning


It's a react table for bootstrap






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