For this challenge build an app that connects to the StackExchange API and displays users as described below
The goal of this short program is to show different patterns, that could be useful to build an App.
- RxCocoa
- RxSwift
- RxTest
- Dependency Injection
The following wireframes describe the screens for the app.
The ascii-drawings are for reference only.
Just make sure that the required data is displayed.
Display an input field, if the lenght of the word is > 5, search for users by that name.
Display users username.
| AppName |
| __________ SEARCH | - input
| ------------------ |
| Username1 |
| ------------------ |
| Username2 | -----*tap* -----> Nothing at the moment
| ------------------ |
| Username3 |
| ------------------ |
| Username4 |
| ------------------ |
| Username5 |
- Add User Detail when Tap
- Add User Pictures
RxSwift - Rxtest - StackExchange API -